WHO Calls for Attention to Violence Against Women with Disabilities and Older Women

Underrepresented Groups in Violence Data

The World Health Organization (WHO) highlights the overlooked plight of older women and women with disabilities, who face heightened risks of abuse, yet remain largely invisible in global and national violence-related data.

Urgent Need for Research

WHO emphasizes the necessity for comprehensive research across countries to ensure accurate representation and understanding of the specific needs of these vulnerable groups.

High Prevalence of Gender-Based Violence

Available data indicates alarmingly high rates of intimate partner and sexual violence among women with disabilities and older women, underscoring the urgency of addressing this issue.

Calls for Inclusive Approaches

Dr. Lynnmarie Sardinha of WHO stresses the importance of inclusive research and programs tailored to the diverse needs of women and girls to effectively combat violence in all its forms.

Unique Challenges Faced

Older women and women with disabilities not only encounter intimate partner and sexual violence but also endure additional forms of abuse, often at the hands of caregivers or health professionals.

Barriers to Reporting and Accessing Services

Stigma, discrimination, and isolation exacerbate the challenges faced by these women, making it difficult for them to escape abuse or seek help.

Recommendations for Action

WHO recommends extending age limits for survey participation and incorporating questions on various forms of violence to address existing data gaps. Engaging older women and women with disabilities in survey design and implementation is crucial for ensuring inclusivity.

Accessible Resources and Support

Formats like Braille or EasyRead are highlighted as means to enhance accessibility for these marginalized groups in accessing services and information.

Initiatives for Progress

WHO, in collaboration with UN Women, is developing survey modules and resources to support data collection on violence against older women and women with disabilities, aiming to fill existing gaps in understanding and addressing this issue.

Global Support for Change

Funding from the UK Government underscores the international commitment to addressing violence against women with disabilities and older women.

Continued Efforts for Empowerment

WHO reaffirms its commitment to ongoing efforts to combat gender-based violence and ensure the safety and well-being of all women, regardless of age or disability.

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