White House Condemns AntiSemitism at Columbia University Protests

Campus Tensions: Protests Enter Fifth Day

As student protests at Columbia University continue into their fifth day, tensions escalate over the ongoing conflict in Gaza. The White House weighs in on the situation, denouncing antisemitic rhetoric amidst the demonstrations.

Government Response: Condemnation of Antisemitic Statements

Deputy press secretary Andrew Bates condemns the “blatantly antisemitic” statements made during the protests, emphasizing the right to peaceful protest while denouncing any calls for violence or intimidation targeting Jewish students.

National Concern: President Biden Addresses Campus Antisemitism

President Joe Biden joins the condemnation of antisemitism on college campuses, expressing concern over recent incidents of harassment and violence against Jewish students. He underscores the need to combat such bigotry.

City Reaction: Mayor Adams’ Condemnation

New York Mayor Eric Adams voices his horror and disgust at the antisemitism surrounding the Columbia University campus, promising police action to address the issue and ensure the safety of all students.

Campus Response: Concerns and Calls for Protection

Columbia Barnard Hillel and other campus organizations express concerns over the safety of Jewish students but urge them to remain on campus. They call for increased protection measures from both the university and city authorities.

University Action: Clearing the Protest Encampment

Columbia University President Dr. Nemat Shafik defends the decision to clear the protest encampment, citing the need to maintain a safe environment for all students. The move is described as necessary amid escalating tensions.

Continued Demonstrations: Protests Across the US

Demonstrations against the Gaza conflict persist across the United States, with pro-Palestinian protesters staging actions at various locations, including major airports and iconic landmarks. The situation remains fluid as both sides continue to advocate for their respective causes.

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Written by Doris Chinwe Omemgbeoji

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