Urgent Call: Food Aid for Sudanese Refugees in Chad at Risk

WFP Warns of Impending Suspension Without Funding

The World Food Programme (WFP) issued a dire warning on Tuesday, stating that food aid for hundreds of thousands of Sudanese refugees in Chad is at risk of being suspended next month due to insufficient funding. This announcement comes amid escalating concerns over the welfare of these vulnerable populations, some of whom are on the brink of starvation.

Growing Crisis Amidst Conflict

Since the eruption of conflict in Sudan nearly a year ago, over half a million Sudanese refugees have sought shelter in Chad, turning the country into one of Africa’s primary refugee hubs, with over 1 million refugees in total. However, the WFP reports that it is struggling to meet the nutritional needs of these refugees, many of whom are already skipping meals. Alarmingly, nearly half of Sudanese refugee children under the age of five are suffering from severe anemia, highlighting the severity of the crisis.

Plea for Donor Support

Pierre Honnorat, WFP’s Representative and Country Director in Chad, emphasized the urgent need for additional funding to avert a humanitarian catastrophe. Despite implementing drastic measures to stretch available resources, including scaling back operations, the WFP warns that further cuts could lead to dire consequences. The agency is calling on donors to step up and prevent the situation from deteriorating further.

Critical Supply Route at Risk

In addition to the food aid situation, a vital supply route from Chad to Sudan’s Darfur region, where hunger is worsening, is also under threat due to funding shortages. This jeopardizes the delivery of essential supplies to areas in desperate need, exacerbating an already dire situation.

Urgent Funding Appeal

With the rainy season approaching, there is an urgent need to stockpile food supplies to ensure continuity of support, particularly for refugee populations in Chad who may become isolated by impassable muddy rivers. The WFP urgently appeals for $242 million to sustain ongoing assistance for the next six months, safeguarding the lives and well-being of Sudanese refugees in Chad.

In conclusion, the situation facing Sudanese refugees in Chad is reaching a critical juncture, with food aid operations on the brink of suspension. Immediate action is required to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe and ensure that these vulnerable populations receive the support they urgently need.

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Credit: Emma Farge

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