Unlocking Success: The Rise of ‘Managing Up’ in the Workplace

Navigating the Shifting Landscape of the American Workforce in 2024

The American workforce is witnessing a transformation in its dynamics as the New Year of 2024 unfolds. While the trends of 2023 highlighted concerns such as employee burnout and decreasing job satisfaction, a new viral career trend, “managing up,” is reshaping perspectives. In this article, we explore the essence of ‘managing up’ and how it is becoming a pivotal factor in fostering positive and productive work relationships.

Decoding ‘Managing Up’: A Vital Element in Organizational Dynamics

“Managing up” is not a new concept, but its recent surge in popularity is altering the traditional dynamics of workplace relationships. This practice involves intentionally cultivating meaningful connections with supervisors and upper-level management within an organizational structure. According to Beth Radtke, Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer at Ketjen, a global specialty chemicals manufacturer, effective ‘managing up’ enhances employees’ overall effectiveness, contributing higher value to both the supervisor and the organization.

Implementing ‘Managing Up’ Practices: An Operating Manual for Success

To successfully implement ‘managing up,’ employees need to understand their manager’s leadership and communication styles. Radtke suggests that employees directly inquire about these aspects, turning it into an “operating manual for the manager.” This knowledge allows employees to tailor their approach, ensuring information is presented in a format that is easily digestible for their manager.

Fostering Blossoming Employee-Manager Relationships

The goal of ‘managing up’ is to foster strong workplace relationships, emphasizing mutual trust and respect. It is crucial to note that this practice is not about excessive flattery or manipulation but centers around understanding and meeting the manager’s expectations. Rue Dooley, an HR knowledge advisor, highlights the importance of mutual respect in facilitating open, honest, and clear communication, which is fundamental for building trust in the workplace.

Differentiating ‘Managing Up’ from Sucking Up

While ‘sucking up’ carries negative connotations, ‘managing up’ is a proven workplace behavior with distinct roots and benefits. Dooley clarifies that ‘sucking up’ involves insincere attempts to gain unwarranted praise by blindly agreeing with a manager, while ‘managing up’ focuses on providing honest feedback to support the manager in achieving the best outcome for the organization.

Mutual Benefits of ‘Managing Up’

Vanessa Matsis-McCready, Associate General Counsel and Vice President of HR Services with Engage PEO, stresses the mutual benefits of ‘managing up.’ It involves great communication, empathy, and understanding, allowing employees to anticipate their manager’s needs and priorities. In turn, this knowledge is leveraged to problem-solve, meet mutual goals, and contribute to achieving the company’s overarching objectives.

In conclusion, ‘managing up’ emerges as a powerful tool for navigating the contemporary workplace, fostering collaboration, and contributing to overall organizational success.

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