Torrential rains in Germany kill 4

Southern Germany continues to grapple with severe flooding, resulting in a rising death toll and widespread evacuations. Chancellor Olaf Scholz visited the affected areas, emphasizing the potential for further water rises. The situation remains critical, with emergency services working tirelessly to assist affected communities.

Key Developments

  • Death Toll Rises: The flood-related death toll has increased to four, with two bodies discovered in Schorndorf and another in Schrobenhausen. Tragically, a firefighter lost his life in Pfaffenhofen after his boat capsized during rescue efforts.
  • Evacuations and Disruptions: Heavy rains have prompted evacuations in Bavaria and Baden-Wuerttemberg, forcing residents to flee their homes. Widespread disruption to train schedules has been reported, including a derailment near Stuttgart due to a landslide.
  • Call for Climate Action: Chancellor Scholz emphasized the need to address climate change, stating that the flooding highlights the urgency of tackling man-made climate change. Weather forecasters have warned of further heavy rains, underscoring the ongoing threat posed by extreme weather events.
  • Continued Risk: Bavarian Minister-President Markus Soder cautioned that conditions remain critical, with the possibility of water levels rising further in some areas. Despite efforts to manage the situation, Soder acknowledged the ongoing challenges posed by climate change.


As southern Germany grapples with the aftermath of severe flooding, the focus remains on safeguarding lives, providing assistance to affected communities, and addressing the underlying factors contributing to such extreme weather events. The recent events serve as a stark reminder of the need for concerted action to mitigate the impacts of climate change and build resilience in vulnerable regions.

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Written By Joe Brens

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