The Art Of Opinion And Analysis

Opinion and analysis act as the bedrock of discussions, paving a gateway through which we navigate the complications of our world. In this article, we will delve into the subjectivity of opinions, the role of media in opinion, and analysis with different editorial and opinion pieces from experts across the world.

Editorial and Opinion Pieces Around the World

India Experiences Low Female Labor Force Participation.

India is experiencing big threats to its demographic dividend as female labor force participation becomes increasingly low. The female labor force participation in India is measured by the ratio of the total number of women joining the labor force to the number of women in the working age group older than 15 years old.

The female labor force has increased from 24.5% in 2081ā€“2019 to 37% in 2022ā€“2023. But regardless of that, the World Bank classified India’s women’s engagement in the formal economy as the lowest in the world.

The reason for this low labor force participation is as a result of the high level of informalization, as most Indian women are informal workers. And also, due to the unavailability of jobs in the manufacturing sector, child care and domestic chores prevent women from taking part in the labor force. Lastly, it occurs due to a lack of jobs that match women’s educational levels and safety concerns at the workplace, like sexual harassment.

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