Stormy Daniels stopped taking Trump’s calls: Her Testimony

Stormy Daniels, the adult film actress whose alleged affair with former President Donald Trump has captivated the public’s attention, testified for approximately two hours, shedding light on pivotal moments and decisions surrounding her interactions with Trump. Let’s delve into the key takeaways from her latest testimony.  

Meeting Trump in 2007

During her testimony, Daniels recounted her encounters with Trump, including a meeting at the launch of his Trump vodka brand in 2007. Despite aspirations of appearing on “The Apprentice,” Daniels emphasized that the encounter was primarily in a public setting and involved a brief exchange of pleasantries.

Keeping Secrets and Cutting Ties

Daniels revealed that she kept her interactions with Trump hidden from her boyfriend at the time, citing feelings of shame. However, her association with Trump took a significant turn when he ceased communication with her after being “overruled” regarding her potential appearance on “The Apprentice.” This led Daniels to cease taking Trump’s calls, marking the end of their communication.

Navigating Deals and Motivations

Following the release of the infamous “Access Hollywood” tape in 2016, Daniels explored options for sharing her story, initially driven by a desire to bring her experiences to light rather than financial gain. However, discussions with her publicist eventually led to negotiations with Trump and his attorney, Michael Cohen, culminating in a $130,000 nondisclosure agreement.

Challenges and Delayed Payments

Despite the agreement, Daniels expressed concerns about her safety and the potential repercussions of not receiving payment before the election. The delayed payment added further complexity to the situation, raising questions about the efficacy of the nondisclosure agreement and its intended purpose.

Closing Remarks and Courtroom Dynamics

As Daniels exited the courtroom, she refrained from making eye contact with Trump, highlighting the gravity of her testimony. Meanwhile, Trump’s attorney, Todd Blanche, engaged in discussions with the former president, underscoring the significance of the proceedings.


Stormy Daniels’ testimony provides valuable insights into the complexities surrounding her interactions with Donald Trump and the subsequent legal battles. As the case unfolds, the public awaits further developments, eager to uncover the truth behind one of the most sensationalized scandals in recent memory.

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Written By: Ademola Oyawe

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