Stella Damasus: A Voice Against Childhood Trauma

Opening Up: Stella’s Brave Revelation

In a recent conversation with Bouqui, Nollywood actress Stella Damasus shared a deeply personal and courageous story from her past. With candor and bravery, she disclosed an experience that no child should ever have to endure: being molested at just eight years old by someone she trusted, a relative.

The Weight of Silence: Stella’s Struggle

For years, Stella carried the burden of this trauma silently. Like many survivors of abuse, she grappled with the fear of judgment and stigma that often accompany speaking out. The thought of being labeled or ostracized kept her from sharing her pain with anyone.

Breaking the Silence: A Journey to Healing

However, Stella’s path to healing began when she sought help from a therapist she met in the United Kingdom. It was at a conference where she shared her story that a compassionate stranger recognized her pain and offered guidance. Through therapy and self-reflection, Stella embarked on a journey of self-love and forgiveness.

Empowering Others: Stella’s Message of Hope

Stella’s courage in speaking out serves as a beacon of hope for survivors of abuse. By sharing her story, she reminds others that they are not alone and encourages them to seek help and support. Her advocacy empowers survivors to break the cycle of silence and reclaim their voices.


Stella Damasus’s bravery in sharing her story is a powerful reminder of the resilience of the human spirit. Let us honor her courage by continuing to support survivors, amplify their voices, and work together to create a world free from abuse and stigma.

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Written By Joe Brens

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