Russia Simulates Tactical Nuclear Launch in Major Military Exercise

On Tuesday, Russian forces commenced a large-scale military exercise simulating the launch of tactical nuclear weapons. This operation, ordered by President Vladimir Putin, is seen as a strategic warning to the West amid the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

A Closer Look at the Drills

The first phase of the drills involves the use of Iskander and Kinzhal missiles. The exercises aim to ensure that units and equipment are prepared for the “combat use of non-strategic nuclear weapons,” according to the Russian Defence Ministry. These actions are meant to safeguard Russia’s territorial integrity and respond to perceived threats from Western officials.

Defence Ministry Statement: The ministry highlighted the goal of the drills is to counter “provocative statements and threats” from Western leaders, such as French President Emmanuel Macron.

High Stakes and Strategic Implications

The exercises are taking place in Russia’s Southern Military District, which borders Ukraine and includes regions currently under Russian control. Belarus is also involved, following Russia’s deployment of tactical nuclear weapons there last year.

Tactical Nuclear Weapons: An Overview

Tactical nuclear weapons, while less destructive than strategic nuclear arms, possess significant destructive capability. Russia has approximately 1,558 such warheads, managed by the Defence Ministry’s 12th Main Directorate (12th GUMO).

Federation of American Scientists: They provide an estimate of Russia’s non-strategic nuclear arsenal, underscoring the uncertainty around exact numbers.

Exercise Details

During the drills, troops are practicing the retrieval of “special ammunition” (nuclear warheads) for Iskander missiles and preparing launch vehicles. Aviation units are fitting Kinzhal hypersonic missiles with these warheads and conducting patrol flights.

Ministry Video: Released footage shows missiles being transported and positioned for launch, emphasizing the serious nature of the exercises.

A Signal to NATO

Experts suggest the drills are a direct response to discussions about NATO involvement in Ukraine. The exercises serve as a visible and deliberate message to deter deeper Western engagement in the conflict.

Nikolai Sokov’s Insight: A former Soviet and Russian arms control official, Sokov notes the significance of advance announcements and the visibility of these drills.

Monitoring and Implications

Western militaries are closely observing the exercises, analyzing the timeframes and detectability of potential nuclear deployments.

Strategic Insights: The involvement of 12th GUMO and the use of Kinzhal missiles offer new data points for Western analysts.

Context of the Drills

The drills follow comments from Western leaders, including France’s Macron and Britain’s Foreign Secretary David Cameron, suggesting European military involvement in Ukraine and supporting Kyiv’s right to use Western-supplied weapons against Russia.

Foreign Ministry’s Warning: Russia’s Foreign Ministry has emphasized that these exercises are intended to send a “sobering signal” to the West and highlight the catastrophic risks of further escalation.


Russia’s latest military exercises underscore the heightened tensions and strategic posturing amid the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. As both sides continue to flex their military capabilities, the potential for escalation remains a serious concern.

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Written By Joe Brens

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