NNPC Revs Up: Bold 2 Million bpd Target by 2024 & Governance Shakeup

President Bola Tinubu has injected fresh energy into Nigeria’s oil and gas sector, inaugurating a new 11-member board and management team for the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPCL) with a clear mandate: boost profitability, crank up production, and prioritize robust governance.

This isn’t just about handing out plum positions, Tinubu emphasized. He expects optimal performance, warning that their roles are not simply “cake sharing.” The message is loud and clear: Nigeria’s oil sector needs a serious overhaul, and these handpicked individuals are entrusted with leading the charge.

But ambition doesn’t stop at rhetoric. Chief Pius Akinyelure, the newly appointed Chairman, has set an eye-catching target of 2 million barrels per day (bpd) by 2024. That’s a significant jump from current levels, and Akinyelure acknowledges the daunting challenges ahead. Oil theft and pipeline vandalism are major thorns in the side of the industry, siphoning off precious resources and hindering progress.

To tackle these headwinds, Akinyelure advocates for a comprehensive security overhaul. Plugging the leaks in the pipeline network and cracking down on oil theft are crucial steps towards achieving the ambitious production target. He envisions an NNPCL not just as a domestic leader, but a force to be reckoned with on the global stage, competing with the world’s top oil and gas giants.

But it’s not all about pumping oil. Tinubu also called for a critical review of the Petroleum Industry Act, ensuring that governance structures and regulations are optimized for maximum impact. Additionally, he underscored the vital role of the Niger Delta in Nigeria’s oil story, recognizing the need for inclusivity and ensuring that the communities where the wealth originates reap the benefits.

This inauguration marks a pivotal moment for Nigeria’s oil and gas sector. The pressure is on for the new NNPCL team to deliver, but with a clear vision, ambitious goals, and a renewed focus on governance and inclusivity, there’s a glimmer of hope that the nation’s petroleum sector can finally unlock its full potential and drive sustainable progress.

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