MC Oluomo, Others Appeal to Agitators to Give Tinubu Time


As political tensions rise in Nigeria, prominent figures, including Musiliu Akinsanya, commonly known as MC Oluomo, have stepped forward to appeal for patience and support for President Bola Ahmed Tinubu. These appeals come amidst increasing agitation and demands for immediate action from various groups within the country. This article delves into the appeals made by MC Oluomo and other influential figures, exploring their reasons and the current political climate.

The Appeal for Patience

MC Oluomo, the chairman of the Lagos State Parks and Garages Management Committee, has been vocal about his support for President Tinubu. He has called on Nigerians, especially those involved in agitations and protests, to exercise patience and give the new administration time to address the nation’s challenges. MC Oluomo emphasized that significant changes and reforms require time and that hasty judgments could undermine the progress Tinubu aims to achieve.

Reasons Behind the Appeal

Complexity of National Issues: Nigeria faces a myriad of complex issues, including economic instability, security challenges, and infrastructural deficits. These problems cannot be resolved overnight, and immediate demands for results may not be realistic.Political Stability: The appeals aim to ensure political stability, which is crucial for any government to function effectively. Continuous agitations and unrest can hinder the administration’s ability to implement policies and achieve set goals.

Building Confidence: 

By urging patience, MC Oluomo and others seek to build public confidence in Tinubu’s leadership. They believe that with adequate time and support, Tinubu can implement policies that will bring about long-term benefits for the nation.

Support from Other Influential Figures

MC Oluomo is not alone in his appeal. Other influential figures and organizations have echoed similar sentiments, calling for a unified front in supporting the new administration. These figures include:Traditional Leaders: Many traditional rulers have called for calm and urged their followers to support Tinubu’s administration. They stress the importance of unity and collective effort in overcoming the country’s challenges.

Religious Leaders: 

Prominent religious leaders have also appealed for patience and prayers for the success of the new government. They highlight the need for divine guidance and wisdom in steering the country towards prosperity.

Political Allies: 

Members of the ruling party and other political allies have reinforced the need for patience. They emphasize that President Tinubu has a comprehensive plan for Nigeria’s development, which requires time to unfold.

The Current Political Climate

The political climate in Nigeria has been tense, with various groups expressing dissatisfaction over issues such as unemployment, inflation, and security concerns. These agitations have led to protests and calls for immediate government action. The appeals from MC Oluomo and others seek to address these tensions by promoting a message of patience and hope.

The Way Forward

Open Communication: The government should maintain open communication channels with the public, providing updates on progress and addressing concerns transparently.

Inclusive Governance:

 Involving diverse groups in the decision-making process can help build trust and foster a sense of ownership among citizens.

Strategic Planning:

 Implementing well-thought-out policies that address both immediate and long-term needs can help alleviate some of the public’s concerns.

Public Engagement: 

Encouraging public participation in governance through forums, town hall meetings, and feedback mechanisms can enhance the relationship between the government and the people.


The appeals by MC Oluomo and other influential figures underscore the importance of patience and support for President Tinubu’s administration. While the challenges facing Nigeria are significant, a unified and patient approach can provide the necessary environment for sustainable progress and development. As Nigeria navigates through these times, the collective efforts of both the government and the citizens will be crucial in achieving a stable and prosperous future.

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Written by: Enyoghasi Ngozi pricillia 

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