Man Convicted of Attacking Pelosi’s Husband Receives 30-Year Sentence – Again

In a case that sent shockwaves across the nation, David Wayne DePape, convicted of assaulting former U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul Pelosi, has been re-sentenced to 30 years in prison. Despite the reopening of the case to allow DePape to speak during his sentencing hearing, the original sentence remains unchanged.

The Incident

The harrowing attack took place in the early hours of October 28, 2022, when DePape forcibly entered the Pelosis’ home in San Francisco. Armed with a hammer, he launched a politically motivated assault on Paul Pelosi, inflicting severe injuries.

The Original Sentencing

Initially sentenced to 30 years in prison on May 17, 2023, DePape’s case saw a procedural oversight when U.S. District Judge Jacqueline Scott Corley failed to provide him with an opportunity to address the court during the sentencing hearing.

Re-sentencing Proceedings

Acknowledging the error, Judge Corley scheduled a hearing to rectify the situation. During this hearing, DePape seized the opportunity to address the court, offering an apology for his actions. However, the judge ultimately upheld the original 30-year sentence.

Background and Motivation

DePape’s motives for the attack were linked to far-right conspiracy theories associated with QAnon. His actions not only resulted in physical harm to Paul Pelosi but also left lasting emotional and psychological scars on the victim.

Ongoing Legal Battles

Despite the federal conviction and re-sentencing, DePape still faces separate state charges related to the Pelosi break-in and attack, including attempted murder. These charges carry the potential for a sentence of 13 years to life in prison, and DePape has pleaded not guilty to them.


The re-sentencing of David Wayne DePape underscores the severity of his actions and the enduring impact of his assault on Paul Pelosi. As the legal proceedings continue, the pursuit of justice remains a priority, offering hope for closure to the victim and his family.

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Written By Joe Brens

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