Liberia’s New President Overcomes Heat Exhaustion Setback

Inauguration Day: A Sweltering Affair

Liberia’s 79-year-old president, Joseph Boakai, faced an unexpected challenge during his inauguration ceremony on Monday. Swearing in under the scorching sun in Monrovia, Boakai experienced heat exhaustion, leading to a pause in his speech and an early end to the event.

A Sudden Halt Amidst the Heat

Boakai’s Struggle During the Ceremony

As temperatures soared, President Boakai encountered difficulties delivering his inauguration speech. Aides rushed to fan him, and despite briefly resuming, he had to step away from the podium, prompting concerns about his health.

Recovery and Official Statement

Presidency Confirms Heat Exhaustion Episode

The president’s office released a statement later that day, confirming Boakai’s episode of heat exhaustion. However, it reassured the public that doctors had declared him “perfectly fine” after receiving necessary medical attention.

Resumption of Duties

Boakai Back to Normal Activities

Dispelling concerns about the president’s well-being, the statement indicated that Boakai had resumed his regular duties. Notably, he was scheduled to meet with the Ghanaian President and other dignitaries, signifying a return to his official responsibilities.

Age and Energy Concerns

Addressing Criticisms Over Fitness

During election campaigns, some critics questioned Boakai’s age and ability to handle the demands of the presidency. Despite this, his team dismissed concerns, emphasizing his experience and dedication to the nation.

Unprecedented Conclusion to the šŸŽ‘

Abrupt End to Inauguration Festivities

While the inauguration ceremony concluded abruptly due to the unforeseen incident, Boakai had already taken the oath of office before stepping away. The incident highlighted the challenges of outdoor events, especially in intense heat.

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Credit:  Carielle Doe and Alphonso Toweh

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