Lagos State Government Issues Demolition Threat to 280 Illegal Structures

Government Action on Illegal Structures  

The Lagos State Government has taken a firm stance against illegal property developments by issuing contravention notices to over 280 property owners and occupiers in the Mayegun Waterfront Scheme. This move is part of a broader initiative to ensure compliance with government regulations and to maintain the safety and sustainability of Lagos State’s coastal areas.

Contravention Notices Issued

The Lagos State Commissioner for Waterfront Infrastructure Development, Ekundayo Alebiosu, announced the issuance of these contravention notices on September 17, 2024, through the state’s official X platform. The notices were served on September 14, 2024, and require the recipients to present the necessary documentation and approvals that justify their occupation of the properties within a seven-day period.

Details of the Violations 

The affected properties include completed buildings, ongoing construction projects, and undeveloped lands that were found to be in violation of government regulations. The Ministry of Waterfront Infrastructure Development conducted a thorough technical assessment, which revealed that these properties lacked the requisite government authorization for construction.

Government’s Stance on Illegal Encroachments

Alebiosu emphasized that the Lagos State Government is committed to preserving the integrity of the waterfront areas. He stated that illegal encroachments pose a threat to the safety and sustainability of the coastal environment. The contravention notices serve as a warning to property owners to either remove their structures voluntarily or regularize their documentation to avoid further penalties.

Consequences for Non-Compliance

Failure to comply with the directive will result in the issuance of demolition notices. The government has made it clear that it will not tolerate illegal activities along waterfront schemes and corridors. The enforcement action is aimed at deterring future illegal activities and contributing to the orderly development and sustainability of Lagos State’s coastal environment.

Government’s Objectives

The Lagos State Government’s actions reflect a broader objective to restore order and prevent further deterioration of the state’s coastal areas. By addressing illegal constructions and ensuring compliance with regulations, the government aims to enhance the overall development of Lagos State and maintain the environmental integrity of its waterfronts.

Call to Action for Property Owners

Alebiosu urged the property owners and occupiers affected by the contravention notices to act promptly. They have the option to either dismantle their structures before the notices expire or to present valid documentation to regularize their status. This proactive approach is encouraged to avoid the inconvenience and penalties associated with forced demolitions.

A Significant Step Toward Coastal Preservation 

The issuance of contravention notices to over 280 illegal structures in the Mayegun Waterfront Scheme marks a crucial step in the Lagos State Government’s efforts to enforce building regulations and safeguard the state’s coastal environment. The anticipated outcome is a more orderly and sustainable development process that aligns with regulatory standards.

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Written By Fortune Davidson

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