Israel War on Gaza: A Comprehensive Overview

The Israel-Gaza conflict, a long-standing and deeply rooted struggle, has seen periods of extreme violence and tension over the decades. It is part of the broader Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with numerous contributing factors that have created a complex and often tragic situation. This article explores the history, causes, major events, and consequences of the Israel-Gaza conflict.

Historical Background

The Israel-Gaza conflict has roots going back over a century, connected to the broader Israeli-Palestinian conflict. After the creation of the State of Israel in 1948, wars erupted between Israel and surrounding Arab countries, leading to the displacement of many Palestinians. Gaza, which became a part of Egypt after the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, later came under Israeli control following the 1967 Six-Day War. Over time, it became a central point of contention between Israelis and Palestinians.

Gaza Under Israeli Occupation (1967-2005)

After the Six-Day War, Gaza was occupied by Israel. The area saw rising resistance from Palestinians who sought self-determination and an end to the occupation. Gaza became a center for Palestinian nationalist movements, which gained momentum with the formation of groups like Hamas, a militant Islamic organization that emerged in the late 1980s.The Israeli withdrawal from Gaza in 2005, known as the “Gaza Disengagement,” led to Israel removing its settlements and military presence from the area. However, despite this withdrawal, Israel maintained control over Gaza’s airspace, territorial waters, and borders.

The Rise of Hamas

The political and military rise of Hamas drastically shifted the dynamics of the conflict. After winning the Palestinian legislative elections in 2006, Hamas took control of Gaza in 2007, following a violent confrontation with its rival Fatah. This internal Palestinian conflict added another layer to the Israel-Gaza situation, with Hamas refusing to recognize Israel and committing to armed resistance.Since taking control, Hamas has engaged in several confrontations with Israel, launching rocket attacks on Israeli cities while facing retaliatory strikes from the Israeli military.

Major Conflicts Between Israel and Gaza

Several large-scale military operations have occurred between Israel and Gaza over the years. Each of these escalations has resulted in significant casualties, widespread destruction, and international debate.

Operation Cast Lead (2008-2009)

Operation Cast Lead, also known as the Gaza War, took place between December 2008 and January 2009. Israel launched the operation in response to rocket fire from Gaza, which intensified after a ceasefire with Hamas broke down. The conflict resulted in more than 1,000 Palestinian deaths, significant destruction in Gaza, and widespread international criticism of Israel’s military actions. On the Israeli side, 13 people died, including soldiers and civilians.Operation Protective Edge (2014)One of the most intense conflicts between Israel and Gaza was Operation Protective Edge in 2014. The operation was launched after the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teenagers and increased rocket fire from Gaza. Over 2,200 Palestinians were killed, most of them civilians, according to Palestinian sources. The Israeli death toll stood at 73, including soldiers and civilians.

Operation Guardian of the Walls (2021)

In May 2021, tensions escalated after weeks of unrest in East Jerusalem. Hamas began launching rockets at Israel, and Israel responded with airstrikes. The conflict, known as Operation Guardian of the Walls, lasted 11 days and resulted in the deaths of over 250 Palestinians and 13 Israelis. The violence also led to widespread damage in Gaza and mass protests across the world.

Humanitarian Impact

The wars between Israel and Gaza have taken a devastating toll on civilians, particularly in Gaza, where the population faces severe restrictions. The blockade imposed by Israel and Egypt since 2007 has crippled Gaza’s economy, limited access to essential goods, and created a humanitarian crisis. The repeated military conflicts have left much of Gaza’s infrastructure in ruins, with homes, schools, hospitals, and power grids frequently targeted.The health system in Gaza is overstretched, and the UN has described the region as “unlivable.” The high civilian casualties during these wars, especially among children, have drawn widespread condemnation and calls for both parties to protect non-combatants.

International Response

The international community remains deeply divided over the Israel-Gaza conflict. The United Nations and various human rights organizations have frequently condemned Israel for its actions in Gaza, accusing it of disproportionate use of force and collective punishment. On the other hand, Israel and its allies argue that the country has a right to defend itself from Hamas, which has been designated as a terrorist organization

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Written by: Enyoghasi Ngozi pricillia

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