Hamas Offers Truce Proposal Amid Escalating Tensions

Ceasefire Initiative

Hamas, the militant group controlling Gaza, has put forth a ceasefire proposal aimed at bringing an end to the ongoing conflict. The plan outlines a 135-day truce period, during which all hostages would be released, Israeli forces would withdraw from Gaza, and negotiations for a permanent peace agreement would commence.

 Three-Phase Truce

The proposed truce consists of three phases, each lasting 45 days. The initial phase focuses on the release of hostages and the withdrawal of Israeli troops from populated areas. Subsequent phases involve further prisoner exchanges and the complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza’s borders.

 International Mediation

The ceasefire proposal comes in response to mediation efforts by Qatar and Egypt, with the support of Israel and the United States. While Hamas has expressed willingness to engage in negotiations, Israel has yet to publicly respond to the proposal.

 Humanitarian Concerns

Amidst the conflict, Gaza’s civilian population continues to suffer from dire shortages of basic supplies and humanitarian aid. The proposed truce includes provisions to address these urgent humanitarian needs, such as increasing the flow of food and aid to Gaza’s residents.

Diplomatic Efforts

The international community, including US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, is actively engaged in diplomatic efforts to broker a ceasefire and facilitate negotiations. However, challenges persist as Israeli forces intensify military operations in Gaza, exacerbating tensions and raising concerns about the humanitarian situation.

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Credit: Nidal al-Mughrabi

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