EndBadGovernance: Why Protests Turned Violent in the North — Northern Leaders’ Perspective

Recent protests across northern regions have escalated into violent clashes, drawing national and international attention. The unrest has sparked a debate on governance, leadership, and the underlying issues fueling these conflicts. This article explores the reasons behind the violence from the perspective of northern leaders, examining their views on governance failures and the socio-political landscape that has contributed to the unrest.

The Catalyst: Governance Failures

Governance issues have been at the heart of the recent protests. Northern leaders argue that long-standing problems such as corruption, lack of transparency, and inefficiency in public administration have severely eroded trust in government institutions. The inability of the state to address basic needs, such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure, has led to growing frustration among citizens.

Economic Disparities and Social Inequality

Economic disparities between different regions have also played a significant role in the violence. Northern leaders highlight that economic neglect and unequal distribution of resources have exacerbated social inequality. Persistent poverty, unemployment, and underdevelopment in the north have fueled discontent, driving people to protest as a means to demand equitable development and economic opportunities.

Political Manipulation and Instability

Political manipulation and instability have further intensified the situation. Leaders from the north point out that political actors have often exploited ethnic and regional divisions for personal gain. This manipulation has contributed to a lack of cohesive governance and has undermined efforts to address the root causes of unrest. The resulting instability has created a volatile environment where protests can easily escalate into violence.

Security Forces and Their Role

The response of security forces to the protests has also been a point of contention. Northern leaders criticize the heavy-handed tactics used by security agencies, which they argue have exacerbated the violence rather than quelling it. Instances of excessive force and human rights abuses have alienated the public and fueled further resentment against the authorities.

Media Influence and Public Perception

Media coverage has played a crucial role in shaping public perception of the protests and the ensuing violence. Northern leaders emphasize that sensationalist reporting and biased narratives have contributed to escalating tensions. The portrayal of protests as violent and lawless has influenced public opinion and political responses, often overshadowing the legitimate grievances of the protesters.

Calls for Reform and Future Solutions

In response to the unrest, northern leaders are calling for comprehensive reforms to address the systemic issues driving the violence. Key demands include improved governance practices, increased investment in socio-economic development, and measures to promote political stability. Leaders advocate for a collaborative approach involving government, civil society, and community leaders to develop and implement effective solutions.


The violent turn of recent protests in the north highlights deep-seated issues related to governance, economic disparity, and political instability. Northern leaders emphasize that addressing these challenges requires a concerted effort to reform governance structures, ensure equitable development, and foster political cohesion. By understanding the perspectives of northern leaders, stakeholders can better navigate the complexities of the situation and work towards sustainable solutions to prevent future unrest.

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Written by: Enyoghasi Ngozi pricillia

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