Cabo Verde Achieves Malaria-Free Status: A Beacon of Hope in the Global Fight Against Malar

Cabo Verde, the Atlantic archipelago in the Central Atlantic Ocean, has recently been certified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a malaria-free country, marking a historic milestone in the ongoing global battle against malaria. This accomplishment places Cabo Verde among the ranks of only 43 countries and 1 territory worldwide that have received WHO’s certification.

Cabo Verde’s Remarkable Journey:

Before the 1950s:

Before the 1950s, Cabo Verde faced significant challenges with malaria, affecting all ten islands. Severe epidemics were frequent, especially in densely populated areas, until targeted interventions were implemented.

Elimination Efforts:

Through strategic measures such as insecticide spraying, Cabo Verde successfully eliminated malaria twice – in 1967 and 1983. However, lapses in vector control led to the resurgence of the disease.

Focused Elimination:

Since the late 1980s, malaria persisted only on two islands, Santiago and Boa Vista. Thanks to targeted efforts, both islands have been malaria-free since 2017.

Certification and Global Recognition:

Cabo Verde’s recent certification by WHO is a testament to the country’s commitment and resilience in eliminating malaria. This recognition is particularly significant as Cabo Verde becomes the third African country, following Mauritius and Algeria, to achieve malaria-free status.

Impact on Health Systems and Tourism:

Strengthened Health Systems:

The efforts towards malaria elimination have not only freed Cabo Verde from the disease but have also strengthened the overall health system. This enhancement positions the country to combat other mosquito-borne diseases like dengue fever.

Tourism Boost:

The WHO certification opens new doors for Cabo Verde’s tourism sector. With travelers from non-malaria endemic regions now able to visit without concerns of local infections, the potential for increased tourism could contribute significantly to the country’s socio-economic activities.

Global Recognition and Commendations:

WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus commended Cabo Verde for its achievement, emphasizing the power of strategic public health planning, collaboration, and sustained effort. The global community acknowledges Cabo Verde’s leaders, healthcare professionals, and citizens for their dedication to creating a healthier future for all.

Cabo Verde’s Malaria-Free Status as a Model for Africa:

Dr. Matshidiso Moeti, WHO Regional Director for Africa, sees Cabo Verde’s success as a beacon of hope for the entire African region. The achievement underscores that with strong political will, effective policies, community engagement, and multisectoral collaboration, malaria elimination is an achievable goal for other nations.

Long and Steady Journey to Success:

Cabo Verde’s journey to malaria elimination began in 2007 when the objective was included in the national health policy. A strategic malaria plan from 2009 to 2013 laid the groundwork for success, focusing on expanded diagnosis, early and effective treatment, and robust case reporting and investigation.

Safeguarding Progress Amidst Challenges:

Even during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Cabo Verde continued its efforts to safeguard progress. Focus areas included improving the quality and sustainability of vector control and malaria diagnosis, especially at ports, airports, in the capital city, and in areas with a risk of malaria re-establishment.

Holistic Approach and Collaboration:

Collaboration between the Ministry of Health and various government departments, including those related to the environment, agriculture, transportation, and tourism, played a pivotal role in Cabo Verde’s success. The inter-ministerial commission for vector control, chaired by the Prime Minister, was instrumental in the elimination process.


As Cabo Verde celebrates its monumental achievement in becoming malaria-free, the global community applauds its leaders, healthcare professionals, and citizens for their dedication. Cabo Verde’s success serves as an inspiring example for other nations, reinforcing the belief that, with concerted efforts, a malaria-free world is within reach.

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