Aviation Workers Threaten Nationwide Strike Over Revenue Deductions

Aviation workers across Nigeria have announced their intention to embark on a nationwide strike on August 21, 2024, in response to the Federal Government’s continued deduction of 50% from the internally generated revenue of key aviation agencies. This strike is poised to disrupt flight operations across the country, as workers demand an end to these deductions.

Unions Express Concerns Over Financial Strain

In a letter titled “Save Aviation From Collapse” dated August 14, 2024, and released to journalists on August 15, aviation unions outlined their grievances. The letter highlights the financial strain placed on essential agencies within the sector, including the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA), Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN), Nigerian Airspace Management Agency (NAMA), Nigerian Meteorological Services Agency (NiMet), Nigerian College of Aviation Technology (NCAT), and the Nigerian Safety Investigation Bureau (NSIB).

Peaceful Protests Planned at Airports Nationwide

The unions have directed all aviation workers to participate in peaceful protests at airports across the country on August 21, 2024. The protests are aimed at pressuring the Federal Government to discontinue the revenue deductions, which the unions argue are crippling the financial operations of these agencies.

Cost Recovery vs. Profit-Making Organizations

The unions emphasized that the affected agencies are not profit-making entities but are designed for cost recovery. The ongoing deductions, according to the unions, make it impossible for these agencies to operate effectively. They warned that continuing to slash their revenue would lead to severe operational challenges and could potentially compromise aviation safety in Nigeria.

Safety Concerns and Potential Industry Dysfunction

The unions expressed grave concerns about the potential impact of the revenue deductions on safety-critical activities within the aviation sector. They noted that some of these essential operations are already being negatively affected, raising alarms about the future functionality of the industry. The unions have stated that they will not bear responsibility if the aviation industry becomes dysfunctional due to these financial constraints.

Mobilization for Strike Action

To ensure widespread participation, the unions have called on all state councils, women’s commissions, youth councils, and union branches nationwide to fully mobilize their members. This collective action is aimed at sending a strong message to the government about the unsustainable nature of the current financial policies affecting the aviation sector.

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Written By Fortune Davidson

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