A Celebration of Ambassador Ikechi Uko’s Legacy: Transforming Nigeria’s Tourism Landscape

On the memorable Saturday of January 13, 2024, stakeholders from the travel, tourism, and culture sectors convened at the National Museum in Onikan, Lagos, to celebrate the 60th birthday of Ambassador Ikechi Uko. This surprise birthday bash not only paid homage to Ambassador IKechi Uko but also marked a transformative moment in the industry, symbolized by the renovation and beautification of the National Museum in his honor.  

A Grateful Industry Unites

Under the banner of “Friends of Ikechi,” tour operators, travel agents, media professionals, policymakers, and well-wishers gathered to express their appreciation for Ambassador Ikechi Uko’s significant contributions to the growth and development of tourism in Nigeria and Africa at large.

Otunba Olusegun Runsewe’s Delight

The immediate past Director-General of the National Council of Arts and Culture, Otunba Olusegun Runsewe, expressed his delight at the honor bestowed upon Ambassador  Ikechi Uko. Commending Ambassador Ikechi Uko for his remarkable contributions, Runsewe emphasized the positive impact on the tourism, travel, aviation, and hospitality industries.

Allen St. Ange: Recognizing a Rare Breed

Allen St. Ange, Head at Saint Ange Tourism Consultancy and former Seychelles Minister of Tourism, applauded Ambassador Ikechi Uko’s dedication, hailing him as a rare breed in the realm of African tourism. 

Industry Voices: Thanking Ambassador Ikechi Uko for Support

From Mrs. Ime Udoh, President of the Nigeria Association of Tour Operators, to Mr. Gabe Onah, Chairman of the Carnival Calabar Commission, and Mr. George Uriesi, COO of Ibom Air, industry leaders expressed gratitude for Ambassador Ikechi Uko’s support, encouragement, and transformative impact.

Didier Bayeye’s Commendation from South Africa

Didier Bayeye, a tour operator from South Africa, presented gifts to Ambassador Ikechi Uko and commended him for fostering networking and promoting intra-African trade.

Kasai Kingi’s Acknowledgment: A Museum’s Transformation

The Curator of the National Commission for Museums and Monuments, Mr. Kasai Kingi, appreciated the Friends of Ikechi for their role in transforming the National Museum. He highlighted the significance of individual support in promoting museum activities.

Ire the stage Devi’s Electrifying Performance

Nigerian folklorist and dancer, Ire The Stage Devi’s performed an electrifying stage act, also creating a bespoke song expressing gratitude for Ambassador Ikechi Uko’s continuous support throughout her career.

Ambassador Ikechi Uko’s Response: Surprise, Gratitude, and Commitment

Ambassador Ikechi Uko expressed surprise and gratitude for the celebration. He acknowledged the exhibition as a great legacy, stating that it could either spur him to retire or inspire him to do more for the industry.

Unveiling the “Seven Wonders of Nigeria” Exhibition

The celebration culminated in the unveiling of the permanent exhibition at the National Museum, named after Ambassador Ikechi Uko’s project, “Seven Wonders of Nigeria.” This exhibition showcases 35 captivating tourism destinations, giving the museum a facelift and adding value to its surroundings.

In summary, the surprise birthday celebration for Ambassador Ikechi Uko was not only a testament to his legacy but also a pivotal moment that highlighted the industry’s unity and appreciation for his immense contributions. The unveiling of the “Seven Wonders of Nigeria” exhibition stands as a lasting tribute to Ambassador Ikechi  Uko’s dedication to showcasing the wonders of Nigerian tourism.

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