Nigerian Men Face Rising Tide of Suicide, Experts Sound Alarm

A silent crisis is unfolding in Nigeria, with reports of a significant increase in suicides among men. Mental health professionals are raising concerns about the lack of awareness and limited access to support, leaving many struggling in the shadows.

The factors driving this trend are complex and multifaceted. Economic pressures like unemployment and rising costs of living are taking a toll, fueling feelings of hopelessness and despair. Dr. Kehinde Oderinde, a consultant psychiatrist, highlights the societal expectation of men to be stoic and self-reliant, discouraging them from seeking help or expressing their emotions. This “culture of silence” can exacerbate mental health challenges and lead to isolation.

Beyond economic hardship, traditional masculinity norms also play a role. Dr. Joy Orjinta, another consultant psychiatrist, points out the pressure men face to conform to a specific image, often preventing them from acknowledging and addressing their emotional struggles. Stigma surrounding mental health further adds to the challenge, making it difficult for men to reach out for help.

The consequences are staggering. A 2017 study found that over 80% of suicides in Nigeria are committed by men, highlighting the urgent need for intervention. Dr. Oderinde and Dr. Orjinta offer a roadmap for tackling this crisis. They emphasize the need for:

  • Increased awareness and destigmatization: Openly discussing mental health in male-dominated spaces and challenging harmful stereotypes can create a safer environment for men to seek help.
  • Improved access to mental health services: Making therapy and support more readily available, particularly in underserved areas, is crucial for early intervention and prevention.
  • Targeted interventions: Understanding the specific factors contributing to suicide among Nigerian men can inform tailored prevention programs and support strategies.
  • Building social support networks: Fostering communities where men feel comfortable sharing their struggles and receiving acceptance can be a powerful antidote to isolation.

Addressing the rising tide of suicide among Nigerian men demands a multi-pronged approach. From public awareness campaigns to expanding mental health services to challenging entrenched societal norms, all stakeholders must work together to create a supportive environment where men can seek help and find hope. By breaking the silence and tackling the root causes, we can prevent further tragedies and pave the way for a future where men’s mental well-being is valued and protected

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