Lights on for Millions: World Bank Grants $750M to Boost Renewable Energy in Nigeria

Over 85 million Nigerians were living in the dark in 2021. Even those on the grid faced unreliable and insufficient power, relying on expensive and polluting generators. But there’s a ray of sunshine on the horizon! The World Bank has approved a $750 million project to change the game.

The Nigeria Distributed Access through Renewable Energy Scale-up (DARES) project aims to bring clean energy to 17.5 million Nigerians through distributed renewables like mini-grids and solar home systems. This is not just about flipping on the lights; it’s about transforming lives.

Here’s what DARES brings to the table:

  • Clean and affordable energy: Say goodbye to pricey and polluting generators! DARES will provide reliable and renewable power, reducing emissions and improving health.
  • Economic boost: Up to 237,000 micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) will get access to clean electricity, enabling them to grow and create jobs.
  • Gender and inclusion: DARES prioritizes women, ensuring disadvantaged female-headed households and women-led businesses get the power they need to thrive.
  • Local green jobs: The project will create over 5,000 green jobs, supporting a sustainable energy future for Nigeria.

DARES is more than just a project; it’s a movement. It’s about collaboration between the government, private sector, and development partners like the Global Energy Alliance and Japan International Cooperation Agency. It’s about innovation, with financial instruments unlocking the potential of off-grid solutions.

Nigeria’s Minister of Power, Chief Adebayo Adebalu, said it perfectly: “DARES is a revolutionary movement, empowering communities and propelling clean energy solutions forward.”

This is a giant leap towards a brighter future for Nigeria. With DARES, millions will finally have access to clean, reliable power, paving the way for a sustainable and prosperous nation.

So, what are you waiting for? Spread the word and join the movement! Let’s light up Nigeria, one solar panel at a time!

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Article By Alicia Empire⁩

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