About NAFDAC: Ensuring Food and Drug Safety in Nigeria


The National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC) is a regulatory body in Nigeria dedicated to safeguarding public health by ensuring the safety, efficacy, and quality of food, drugs, cosmetics, and medical devices. Established under Decree No. 15 of 1993, the agency operates under the Federal Ministry of Health and plays a crucial role in monitoring and controlling the production, distribution, and sale of these products in Nigeria.

Mandates and Responsibilities  

NAFDAC’s primary responsibilities include:

– Regulation and Control: Overseeing the registration and regulation of food, drugs, cosmetics, and medical devices to ensure they meet safety and quality standards.

– Monitoring and Surveillance: Conducting inspections and surveillance to detect and prevent the distribution of counterfeit, substandard, or expired products.

– Enforcement: Implementing enforcement actions against violators, including shutting down illegal factories and seizing unregistered or counterfeit products.

– Public Awareness: Educating the public about the risks associated with counterfeit products and promoting safe practices in the use of food, drugs, and cosmetics.

Key Activities and Operations  

NAFDAC engages in various activities to fulfill its mandate:

– Inspection and Compliance: Regularly inspecting manufacturing facilities, distribution channels, and retail outlets to ensure compliance with regulatory standards.

– Consumer Protection: Addressing consumer complaints and concerns related to the safety and efficacy of products.

– Research and Development: Conducting research to stay updated on emerging trends and challenges in the food and drug industries.

Recent Achievements and Actions 

NAFDAC has been active in combating illegal activities and ensuring product safety:

– Enforcement Actions: Shutting down illegal factories, such as the recent closure of a counterfeit cosmetics factory in Lagos, to protect consumers from harmful products.

– Public Campaigns: Running campaigns to raise awareness about the dangers of counterfeit and substandard products.

– Partnerships: Collaborating with international and local agencies to enhance regulatory practices and share knowledge.

Vision and Mission

NAFDAC’s vision is to be a world-class regulatory agency that ensures the safety and quality of products in Nigeria. Its mission is to safeguard public health by regulating and controlling the manufacturing, importation, exportation, advertisement, distribution, and use of food, drugs, cosmetics, medical devices, and chemicals.

Future Works

NAFDAC’s role is pivotal in maintaining public health standards in Nigeria. Through its comprehensive regulatory framework and enforcement actions, the agency ensures that consumers have access to safe and effective products. Its ongoing efforts contribute significantly to the overall health and well-being of the Nigerian population.

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