The Burial of Late Mrs Ngozi Muoka: A Tribute to a Life of Faith and Service

The burial ceremony of Late Mrs. Ngozi Muoka, wife of the General Overseer of The Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries, Pastor Lazarus Muoka, was a solemn and emotional event that marked the passing of a beloved woman of faith. Held in the presence of family, friends, church members, and dignitaries, her burial was a fitting tribute to her life of devotion and service to God and humanity.

A Life of Devotion and Love for God

Mrs. Ngozi Muoka was known for her unwavering dedication to her faith and her role as a supportive partner to her husband in leading one of Nigeria’s largest Pentecostal movements. Throughout her life, she stood by Pastor Lazarus Muoka as the ministry grew, offering guidance and encouragement to the church’s members. Her commitment to prayer, humility, and compassion for others made her a highly respected figure in the church community.

The Final Farewell

The burial ceremony was held at her hometown, where a large crowd gathered to pay their last respects. The service featured prayers, hymns, and testimonies of her impact on those who knew her. It was a reflection of the life she lived—a life marked by faith, love, and kindness to all who crossed her path.

Church members from all over the country attended to honor her memory, with many recounting stories of how Mrs. Muoka had personally touched their lives through her compassion and spiritual guidance. She was remembered as a pillar of strength, both within her family and the church.

Words of Comfort and Remembrance

Pastor Lazarus Muoka, though deeply emotional, delivered a heartfelt tribute to his late wife. He spoke of her unwavering support in his ministry and her deep love for God. He described her as a woman of great faith who dedicated her life to the service of the church and its members.

In his message to the congregation, Pastor Muoka encouraged them to take solace in the fact that Mrs. Ngozi Muoka had lived a life that glorified God, and that her legacy of faith would continue to inspire the Lord’s Chosen family for years to come.

Tributes from Church Leaders and Family

Church leaders from across the Pentecostal community in Nigeria also attended the burial to offer their condolences and to honor Mrs. Muoka’s legacy. Many spoke of her as a prayer warrior, a counselor, and a mother figure to many in the church. Her role in supporting the ministry’s outreach and spiritual growth was emphasized as a significant contribution to the church’s global success.

Family members expressed gratitude for the overwhelming support and prayers they had received. They noted that Mrs. Muoka had always been a guiding force within their lives, offering wisdom and love that would be greatly missed.

Legacy of Service and Spiritual Leadership

Mrs. Ngozi Muoka’s legacy goes beyond her role as the wife of a church leader. She was a woman of great spiritual strength, whose quiet leadership helped shape the lives of countless individuals. Her influence extended to the various charitable initiatives she was involved in, as she worked to uplift the less fortunate and encourage others to pursue a closer relationship with God.

Her passing marks a significant moment for The Lord’s Chosen Church, but her legacy will live on through the continued work of the ministry she helped build and through the lives of those she touched.

A Call to Live by Faith

The ceremony closed with a call to live by the same faith that guided Mrs. Ngozi Muoka throughout her life. Church leaders and family members encouraged everyone to carry on her legacy by remaining steadfast in their devotion to God, continuing the work she began, and living lives of service to others.

Final Resting Place

Late Mrs. Ngozi Muoka was laid to rest in her hometown, surrounded by her family and the church community she had devoted much of her life to. As she was laid to rest, the air was filled with prayers and hymns, celebrating her entry into eternal peace with God.

Her burial was not just a time of mourning, but also a time to celebrate the life of a woman who had given so much to her faith, her family, and the Lord’s Chosen Church.

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Written By Fortune Davidson

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