Israel War on Gaza Explained:

The Israel-Gaza conflict is a longstanding and deeply rooted struggle that has caused widespread destruction and loss of life over the years. This article aims to break down the key aspects of the war, providing a detailed explanation of its causes, timeline, international implications, and humanitarian consequences.

Historical Context of the Israel-Gaza Conflict

The origins of the Israel-Gaza conflict can be traced back to the early 20th century. When the Ottoman Empire collapsed after World War I, the British took control of the area known as Palestine. Tensions between Jewish and Arab populations grew as Jewish immigration increased, particularly during the Holocaust and after World War II. In 1947, the United Nations proposed dividing the land into separate Jewish and Arab states, but this led to increased violence, culminating in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War and the establishment of the state of Israel.Gaza became part of Egypt after this war, while the West Bank was annexed by Jordan. However, after the Six-Day War in 1967, Israel took control of both territories. Gaza has since been a focal point of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with tensions continually rising due to territorial disputes, political control, and military interventions.

Key Players: Israel, Hamas, and Other Groups

At the core of the conflict in Gaza is the Israeli government and Hamas, a Palestinian militant group that controls the Gaza Strip. Hamas, founded in 1987, is committed to the establishment of an Islamic state in historic Palestine and rejects the existence of Israel. It has been designated as a terrorist organization by Israel, the United States, and the European Union, among others.On the other side, Israel maintains that its military operations in Gaza are defensive measures aimed at protecting its citizens from rocket attacks launched by Hamas and other militant factions. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) often conduct airstrikes and ground operations in Gaza, targeting Hamas military infrastructure, while Hamas retaliates with rocket attacks on Israeli cities.

Timeline of Major Conflicts in Gaza 2008-2009: Operation Cast Lead

In response to escalating rocket fire from Gaza, Israel launched Operation Cast Lead in December 2008. The three-week war resulted in significant civilian casualties and widespread destruction in Gaza. Israel claimed it was targeting Hamas militants, but the operation drew widespread international criticism for the high civilian toll.

2012: Operation Pillar of Defense

The next major flare-up occurred in 2012 when Israel launched Operation Pillar of Defense in response to renewed rocket attacks. The conflict lasted eight days, with Israel conducting airstrikes on Gaza, while Hamas and other groups launched rockets into southern Israel.

2014: Operation Protective Edge

One of the deadliest confrontations in recent years occurred in 2014. Operation Protective Edge saw a seven-week conflict in which over 2,200 Palestinians were killed, the majority of whom were civilians, according to the United Nations. On the Israeli side, 67 soldiers and six civilians were killed. The war caused massive destruction in Gaza, and the rebuilding process has been slow.

2021: Eleven-Day Conflict

The most recent major confrontation took place in May 2021, when rising tensions in East Jerusalem led to a full-scale war. Hamas launched rockets at Israel in response to the Israeli police’s actions in and around the Al-Aqsa Mosque, a significant religious site. Israel responded with airstrikes on Gaza. The conflict lasted eleven days, killing over 250 people in Gaza and 13 in Israel.

Underlying Causes of the War

Several core issues continue to fuel the Israel-Gaza conflict:Territorial Disputes: The most prominent issue remains the dispute over land. Gaza is part of the Palestinian territories, but Israel controls its airspace, sea access, and borders. Israel’s continued expansion of settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem further complicates any potential for peace.

Blockade of Gaza: Since Hamas took control of Gaza in 2007, Israel has imposed a land, air, and sea blockade, limiting the movement of people and goods. This has created a humanitarian crisis, with many Gazans facing shortages of basic necessities.Political Divisions: Within the Palestinian political landscape, the divide between Hamas (which controls Gaza) and Fatah (which controls the West Bank) has weakened the Palestinian national movement, making peace talks with Israel more challenging.

Religious and Cultural Tensions: Both sides claim religious and historical connections to the land. Jerusalem, home to significant religious sites for Muslims, Jews, and Christians, remains a particularly sensitive area.

Humanitarian Consequences

The recurring wars in Gaza have had devastating humanitarian impacts. The blockade and repeated military operations have left Gaza’s infrastructure in ruins. Hospitals are overwhelmed, and many civilians are displaced, living in extreme poverty. According to international organizations like the United Nations, the region faces chronic shortages of clean water, electricity, and medical supplies.In addition to physical destruction, the wars have taken a significant emotional toll on the civilian populations, particularly children, who grow up in an environment of fear and uncertainty. Mental health crises, especially among Gaza’s youth, have become an increasing concern in the aftermath of repeated wars.

International Responses and Diplomatic Efforts

The international community has frequently condemned both Israeli and Palestinian actions during the conflict. Numerous United Nations resolutions have called for ceasefires, respect for human rights, and a two-state solution. However, these resolutions have often been met with resistance, either due to political disagreements or due to the complex realities on the ground.Countries such as the United States have historically supported Israel, providing military aid and diplomatic backing. On the other hand, many Arab and Muslim-majority countries have shown solidarity with the Palestinian cause, calling for an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories.Diplomatic efforts to resolve the conflict have been ongoing for decades, but the peace process remains stalled. Key sticking points include the status of Jerusalem, the right of return for Palestinian refugees, and the borders of a future Palestinian state.

The Path Forward: Is Peace Possible?

Achieving peace between Israel and Gaza seems elusive given the ongoing hostilities and deep-seated grievances. However, some potential steps toward peace include:International Mediation: The involvement of neutral international bodies or countries in mediating peace talks could help bridge the gap between the two sides.Humanitarian Assistance: Addressing the humanitarian crisis in Gaza through international aid and ending the blockade could reduce tensions.

A Two-State Solution: Many international actors, including the United Nations, advocate for a two-state solution where Israel and a future Palestinian state coexist. However, the exact terms and implementation of this solution remain contentious.

The Israel-Gaza conflict is one of the most complex and enduring conflicts in the modern world, with deep historical, political, and religious roots. Despite numerous attempts at peace, the cycle of violence persists, causing immense suffering for civilians on both sides. Understanding the multifaceted nature of this conflict is crucial for anyone seeking to grasp the realities of the war and the potential paths forward toward lasting peace.

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Written by: Enyoghasi Ngozi pricillia

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