Israel’s War on Gaza: The Root Causes and Ongoing Conflict

The Israel-Gaza conflict is one of the most protracted and contentious issues in modern history, with a complex web of historical, political, and territorial factors contributing to the strife. This article delves into the reasons behind Israel’s military operations in Gaza, tracing the roots of the conflict, key flashpoints, and the regional dynamics that fuel the ongoing violence.

Historical Context: The Origins of the Conflict

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict traces back to the early 20th century, but its roots go even deeper, into centuries of competing national claims over the land. When Israel was established in 1948, following the UN’s partition plan, tensions between Jewish and Arab populations boiled over, leading to the first Arab-Israeli War. Gaza became a focal point of this conflict when it was administered by Egypt after the 1948 war. Since then, it has been at the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian dispute. The 1967 Six-Day War saw Israel capturing Gaza, along with the West Bank, Jerusalem, and other territories. This military occupation sowed the seeds of future confrontations as Palestinians fought to reclaim their land and establish a sovereign state, while Israel insisted on securing its borders and protecting its citizens from attacks.

The Rise of Hamas: Political and Ideological Divide

Hamas, a Palestinian Islamist militant group, emerged in 1987 during the First Intifada, a Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation. Over time, Hamas became the dominant political and military force in Gaza, advocating for the liberation of Palestine through armed resistance.

Hamas’s rise to power in Gaza in 2007, after winning the 2006 Palestinian legislative elections, marked a significant shift. The group’s refusal to recognize Israel and its stated aim of destroying the Israeli state created a deep rift between Gaza and Israel. Since then, Hamas has been at the forefront of the conflict with Israel, using both political influence and militant tactics.

Territorial Disputes and the Blockade of Gaza

At the heart of the Israel-Gaza conflict lies the territorial dispute over land and borders. Israel withdrew its settlements from Gaza in 2005, effectively ending its direct military occupation of the territory. However, Israel maintains a blockade on Gaza, controlling its borders, airspace, and coastline, citing security concerns and the need to prevent arms smuggling to Hamas and other militant groups.The blockade has had a crippling effect on Gaza’s economy and infrastructure, leading to widespread poverty, unemployment, and a humanitarian crisis. In response, Hamas and other militant factions have launched rockets into Israel, further escalating the conflict and prompting Israeli military strikes on Gaza.

Cycle of Violence: Rocket Attacks and Israeli Airstrikes

The military confrontations between Israel and Gaza have followed a cyclical pattern. Rocket attacks from Gaza have often triggered heavy Israeli military responses, which include airstrikes, artillery bombardments, and ground incursions. Israel cites its right to defend itself against indiscriminate rocket fire targeting civilian areas, while Hamas argues that its attacks are in retaliation for the Israeli blockade and occupation.Major escalations, such as the wars in 2008-2009, 2012, 2014, and most recently in 2021, have resulted in thousands of deaths, the vast majority of whom are Palestinians. These conflicts have caused immense destruction in Gaza, exacerbating the humanitarian crisis and leaving its population in a constant state of insecurity.

Humanitarian Crisis: The Cost of War

The civilian population in Gaza has borne the brunt of the ongoing conflict. According to international humanitarian organizations, the repeated military operations and the ongoing blockade have devastated Gaza’s infrastructure, including its healthcare, education, and water supply systems. Overcrowding, food shortages, and unemployment have worsened, leaving many dependent on international aid. In the wake of military offensives, the death toll in Gaza has been significantly higher than in Israel, where the Iron Dome defense system intercepts many incoming rockets. In Gaza, however, civilians are frequently caught in the crossfire, with homes, schools, and hospitals often being hit during Israeli airstrikes.

Diplomatic Efforts and International 

Involvement Various international actors, including the United Nations, Egypt, Qatar, and the United States, have attempted to broker peace deals and ceasefires between Israel and Gaza. However, these efforts have often resulted in temporary truces rather than long-term solutions. The lack of a comprehensive peace process has allowed the conflict to flare up again and again.

The international community remains deeply divided on the issue. While some nations, particularly in the West, support Israel’s right to defend itself, others, especially in the Arab world, condemn Israel’s actions as disproportionate and call for an end to the occupation and blockade of Palestinian territories.

The Two-State Solution: A Path to Peace?

One of the most frequently proposed solutions to the Israel-Gaza conflict is the two-state solution, which envisions an independent State of Palestine existing alongside Israel. This idea, supported by many international actors, aims to resolve territorial disputes and provide Palestinians with sovereignty. However, this solution has faced significant hurdles, including disagreements over borders, the status of Jerusalem, and the right of return for Palestinian refugees.Hamas’s rejection of Israel’s right to exist, along with Israeli settlement expansion in the West Bank, has further complicated the prospects for peace. Without mutual recognition and compromise, the two-state solution remains a distant goal.

A Conflict Without an End in Sight

The Israel-Gaza conflict is a deeply entrenched struggle, driven by historical grievances, political ideologies, and territorial disputes. Despite numerous attempts at peace, the cycle of violence continues, with no clear resolution on the horizon. For the people living in both Israel and Gaza, the conflict represents an ongoing tragedy, marked by loss, fear, and an uncertain future.The root causes—ranging from the rise of Hamas to territorial disputes and the humanitarian crisis—must be addressed comprehensively if there is to be any hope for a lasting peace in the region. Until then, the war on Gaza will remain a focal point of Middle Eastern and global tensions.

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Written by: Enyoghasi Ngozi pricillia

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