Rising Insecurity in South-East Nigeria as Kidnappers Terrorize Communities

The South-East region of Nigeria has been gripped by a relentless wave of kidnappings, causing widespread fear and anxiety among residents. This growing menace has turned once-peaceful communities into hotbeds of criminal activity, with kidnappers preying on innocent travelers and local villagers alike. The situation has become so dire that some forests in the region have been nicknamed “Sambisa forests,” a reference to the notorious hideouts of Boko Haram insurgents in the North-East.

A Surge in Kidnapping Incidents

No week passes in the South-East without reports of kidnappings. The five states that make up the region—Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu, and Imo—have all been affected. Victims are often taken from highways, rural roads, and even their homes, only to be held captive in remote forests. Ransoms are demanded, and while some families are fortunate enough to secure their loved ones’ release, others are met with the heartbreaking news that their relatives have been killed despite paying the ransom.

The Terror of ‘Sambisa Forests’ in the South-East

The dense forests and bushes in the region have become notorious for harboring kidnappers. Villagers have begun referring to these areas as “Sambisa forests,” highlighting the extreme danger they pose. These once-innocuous natural spaces have been transformed into zones of terror where kidnappers conduct their nefarious activities, including torture, murder, and rape. The constant threat of abduction has forced some communities to abandon their homes, while those who remain live in perpetual fear.

Efforts by Security Agencies

Security forces have made several attempts to reclaim these forests and bushes from the clutches of kidnappers. There have been numerous raids, resulting in fierce gun battles between law enforcement and the criminal elements. While some kidnappers have been apprehended or killed, the scale of the problem remains daunting. The criminal activities are often attributed to various groups, including unknown gunmen and, in some cases, herdsmen who have invaded and occupied the region’s forests.

The Situation in Abia State

Abia State has seen some improvement in security under the leadership of Governor Alex Otti. Upon taking office, Governor Otti launched a concerted effort to clear the state’s forests of criminal elements, particularly along the Enugu-Port Harcourt road, which has been a notorious hotspot for kidnappings. However, despite these efforts, recent incidents have shown that the threat remains, and the government must continue to strengthen its approach to tackling insecurity.

The Way Forward

Residents of the South-East are calling for more effective and sustained security measures to combat the kidnapping epidemic. The state governments, in collaboration with federal authorities, must intensify efforts to rid the region of these criminal elements. It is also crucial to address the root causes of the insecurity, such as poverty and unemployment, which may be driving some individuals into criminal activities. Only through a comprehensive and coordinated approach can the South-East hope to reclaim its peace and security.


The ongoing spate of kidnappings in the South-East is a grave concern that demands urgent attention. The fear and anxiety gripping the region are palpable, as kidnappers continue to lay siege to communities. While security forces have made some progress, much more needs to be done to restore peace and safety to the region. The affected communities are hoping for a future where they can live without fear, and where the forests that now symbolize terror can once again become places of tranquility.

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Written By Fortune Davidson

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