Hamas Accuses US of ‘Buying Time for Israel’ in Gaza Ceasefire Talks

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza has been a focal point of international attention, sparking widespread concern over the humanitarian crisis unfolding in the region. Recently, Hamas has accused the United States of deliberately stalling ceasefire negotiations to allow Israel more time to continue its military operations in Gaza. This accusation underscores the deep mistrust between the parties involved and highlights the complexity of the diplomatic efforts to end the violence.

Background of the Conflict

The recent escalation in violence between Israel and Hamas is rooted in a long history of conflict over land, sovereignty, and the rights of Palestinians. Tensions have been exacerbated by events in Jerusalem, particularly around the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the displacement of Palestinian families in East Jerusalem. The conflict quickly escalated into full-scale hostilities, with Hamas launching rockets into Israel and Israel responding with airstrikes on Gaza.

The Role of the United States in Ceasefire Talks

The United States has traditionally played a significant role in mediating conflicts in the Middle East, often acting as an intermediary between Israel and Palestinian groups. However, Hamas has accused the US of bias in favor of Israel, claiming that its involvement in the ceasefire talks is not aimed at ending the violence but rather at giving Israel more time to achieve its military objectives in Gaza. This accusation raises questions about the impartiality of US diplomatic efforts and the broader implications for peace in the region.

Accusations from Hamas

Hamas has been vocal in its criticism of the United States, accusing the Biden administration of “buying time for Israel” under the guise of negotiating a ceasefire. According to Hamas officials, the US is using the negotiations as a diplomatic cover to allow Israel to continue its military operations against the group and its infrastructure in Gaza. Hamas argues that the delay in reaching a ceasefire is causing unnecessary suffering for the people of Gaza, who are bearing the brunt of the conflict.

US Response to the Accusations

The United States has denied Hamas’s accusations, stating that it is working tirelessly to achieve a ceasefire that will bring an end to the violence. US officials have emphasized their commitment to diplomacy and the protection of civilians on both sides of the conflict. The Biden administration has also expressed its support for Israel’s right to defend itself against rocket attacks from Hamas, while simultaneously calling for the protection of Palestinian civilians and humanitarian access to Gaza.

International Reactions

The international community has been deeply divided in its response to the conflict. Some countries and organizations have echoed Hamas’s concerns, accusing the US of not doing enough to pressure Israel into a ceasefire. Others have defended the US position, arguing that Israel has the right to defend itself against attacks from a group that the US and many other countries have designated as a terrorist organization. The accusations from Hamas have further complicated the diplomatic efforts to reach a ceasefire, with various international actors calling for an immediate end to the hostilities.

Humanitarian Impact of the Conflict

The humanitarian situation in Gaza has deteriorated rapidly as a result of the conflict. Thousands of Palestinians have been displaced, and there have been significant casualties, including women and children. The ongoing airstrikes and blockade have severely limited access to essential supplies, such as food, water, and medical care. The accusations against the US by Hamas come at a time when the international community is calling for urgent humanitarian assistance and an end to the violence.


The accusation by Hamas that the United States is “buying time for Israel” in the Gaza ceasefire talks highlights the deep-seated mistrust and political complexities that characterize the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. While the US has denied these allegations and continues to push for a ceasefire, the situation remains tense, with no immediate resolution in sight. As the conflict continues, the humanitarian crisis in Gaza worsens, underscoring the urgent need for a sustainable and lasting peace agreement that addresses the root causes of the violence.

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Written by: Enyoghasi Ngozi pricillia

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