60 Foreign Blogs and Websites for Trending News

When staying updated on global news, foreign blogs can offer unique perspectives and in-depth analysis. Here’s a guide to some prominent international blogs and websites that cover trending news from around the world. This list includes 60 influential blogs and websites that provide valuable insights and updates on global events, each offering a distinct viewpoint or area of expertise.

1. BBC News
Website: bbc.com/news
Followers: 4.2M (Facebook), 10M (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 1,500
BBC News offers comprehensive global news coverage, including breaking stories and in-depth analysis.
Recent Highlights:

  • Updates on international political developments.
  • In-depth reports on global health issues.

2. CNN
Website: cnn.com
Followers: 4.5M (Facebook), 12M (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 1,800
CNN provides breaking news, top stories, and extensive coverage of global events.
Recent Highlights:

  • Coverage of major global political events.
  • Reports on international economic trends.

3. The Guardian
Website: theguardian.com
Followers: 2.3M (Facebook), 9M (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 1,200
The Guardian offers news, comment, and analysis on international and UK events.
Recent Highlights:

  • Investigative reports on global human rights issues.
  • Analysis of UK and international political developments.

4. Reuters
Website: reuters.com
Followers: 1.8M (Facebook), 6M (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 1,400
Reuters is known for its global news coverage and business reporting.
Recent Highlights:

  • Breaking news on financial markets.
  • Comprehensive coverage of international conflicts.

5. Al Jazeera
Website: aljazeera.com
Followers: 4M (Facebook), 7.5M (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 1,300
Al Jazeera features international news, including breaking stories and investigative reports.
Recent Highlights:

  • Reports on Middle Eastern conflicts.
  • In-depth coverage of global humanitarian crises.

6. The New York Times
Website: nytimes.com
Followers: 17M (Facebook), 7.5M (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 1,800
The New York Times offers global news coverage, feature articles, and opinion pieces.
Recent Highlights:

  • Extensive coverage of U.S. political news.
  • Feature stories on global environmental issues.

7. HuffPost
Website: huffpost.com
Followers: 8M (Facebook), 2.5M (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 1,000
HuffPost covers a wide range of topics including breaking news, politics, and lifestyle.
Recent Highlights:

  • Updates on U.S. political developments.
  • Lifestyle and opinion pieces on current trends.

8. Forbes
Website: forbes.com
Followers: 5.5M (Facebook), 1.5M (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 1,200
Forbes focuses on business news, financial updates, and global trends.
Recent Highlights:

  • Reports on international business trends.
  • Analysis of financial markets and investments.

9. BuzzFeed News
Website: buzzfeednews.com
Followers: 6.5M (Facebook), 1.8M (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 800
BuzzFeed News offers news, investigative journalism, and trending stories.
Recent Highlights:

  • Investigative reports on political scandals.
  • Features on viral internet trends and phenomena.

10. Business Insider
Website: businessinsider.com
Followers: 3.5M (Facebook), 1.2M (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 1,000
Business Insider provides news on business, technology, and global events.
Recent Highlights:

  • Insights into tech industry developments.
  • Business analysis and economic forecasts.

11. The Washington Post
Website: washingtonpost.com
Followers: 8M (Facebook), 3M (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 1,500
The Washington Post offers extensive news coverage on U.S. and global events.
Recent Highlights:

  • In-depth reports on U.S. political issues.
  • Coverage of international diplomatic relations.

12. Financial Times
Website: ft.com
Followers: 2M (Facebook), 1M (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 1,100
Financial Times is known for its business news and global financial reporting.
Recent Highlights:

  • Analysis of global economic policies.
  • Reports on financial market trends.

13. Time
Website: time.com
Followers: 3M (Facebook), 1M (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 900
Time offers news coverage, feature articles, and opinion pieces on global issues.
Recent Highlights:

  • Features on international social issues.
  • Coverage of global cultural events.

14. The Independent
Website: independent.co.uk
Followers: 2.2M (Facebook), 800K (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 1,000
The Independent provides news, comment, and analysis on UK and international events.
Recent Highlights:

  • Reports on UK political developments.
  • Analysis of global environmental issues.

15. USA Today
Website: usatoday.com
Followers: 4M (Facebook), 1.5M (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 1,200
USA Today covers a broad range of news topics, including national and global events.
Recent Highlights:

  • Coverage of U.S. sports and entertainment news.
  • Reports on international economic trends.

16. The Telegraph
Website: telegraph.co.uk
Followers: 3M (Facebook), 1M (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 1,100
The Telegraph offers news, comment, and analysis on UK and global issues.
Recent Highlights:

  • Coverage of UK political affairs.
  • Reports on international business and technology.

17. Sky News
Website: skynews.com
Followers: 2.5M (Facebook), 1M (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 1,200
Sky News provides up-to-date news on UK and global events.
Recent Highlights:

  • Breaking news on global conflicts.
  • Features on UK social issues.

18. Hindustan Times
Website: hindustantimes.com
Followers: 4M (Facebook), 1.2M (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 1,000
Hindustan Times offers news and analysis on Indian and international affairs.
Recent Highlights:

  • Coverage of Indian political developments.
  • Reports on global economic trends.

19. South China Morning Post
Website: scmp.com
Followers: 1.8M (Facebook), 600K (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 800
South China Morning Post covers news on Hong Kong, China, and global events.
Recent Highlights:

  • Reports on Hong Kong political issues.
  • Features on Chinese economic developments.

20. Deutsche Welle (DW)
Website: dw.com
Followers: 2.5M (Facebook), 800K (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 1,000
Deutsche Welle offers news and analysis on global and European events.
Recent Highlights:

  • Coverage of European political issues.
  • Reports on global environmental challenges.

21. The Sydney Morning Herald
Website: smh.com.au
Followers: 1.6M (Facebook), 500K (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 900
The Sydney Morning Herald provides news coverage on Australian and international affairs.
Recent Highlights:

  • Updates on Australian political developments.
  • Features on global cultural events.

22. The Age
Website: theage.com.au
Followers: 1.4M (Facebook), 400K (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 800
The Age offers news on Australian and global events, including politics and business.
Recent Highlights:

  • Reports on Australian social issues.
  • Analysis of global economic trends.

23. Japan Times
Website: japantimes.co.jp
Followers: 1.2M (Facebook), 300K (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 700
Japan Times provides news on Japanese and global affairs, including business and culture.
Recent Highlights:

  • Coverage of Japanese political developments.
  • Reports on global cultural trends.

24. The Korea Herald
Website: koreaherald.com
Followers: 1M (Facebook), 250K (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 600
The Korea Herald offers news and analysis on South Korean and global events.
Recent Highlights:

  • Reports on South Korean economic policies.
  • Coverage of international diplomatic relations.

25. Le Monde
Website: lemonde.fr
Followers: 2.8M (Facebook), 1M (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 1,100
Le Monde provides comprehensive coverage of French and global news.
Recent Highlights:

  • Reports on French political developments.
  • Analysis of international economic trends.

26. Le Figaro
Website: lefigaro.fr
Followers: 2M (Facebook), 900K (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 1,000
Le Figaro offers news, comment, and analysis on French and global events.
Recent Highlights:

  • Coverage of French social issues.
  • Reports on global business trends.

27. El País
Website: elpais.com
Followers: 2.5M (Facebook), 800K (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 1,200
El País provides news coverage on Spanish and international affairs.
Recent Highlights:

  • Reports on Spanish political issues.
  • Coverage of global cultural events.

28. El Mundo
Website: elmundo.es
Followers: 2.3M (Facebook), 700K (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 1,000
El Mundo offers news and analysis on Spanish and global events.
Recent Highlights:

  • Updates on Spanish political developments.
  • Features on international business trends.

29. La Stampa
Website: lastampa.it
Followers: 1.5M (Facebook), 500K (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 800
La Stampa provides news on Italian and global affairs.
Recent Highlights:

  • Coverage of Italian political issues.
  • Reports on global economic trends.

30. Corriere della Sera
Website: corriere.it
Followers: 2.5M (Facebook), 600K (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 900
Corriere della Sera offers news and analysis on Italian and global events.
Recent Highlights:

  • Reports on Italian social issues.
  • Coverage of international business developments.

31. The Globe and Mail
Website: theglobeandmail.com
Followers: 1.8M (Facebook), 600K (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 800
The Globe and Mail provides news on Canadian and global affairs.
Recent Highlights:

  • Coverage of Canadian political developments.
  • Features on international economic trends.

32. National Post
Website: nationalpost.com
Followers: 1.6M (Facebook), 500K (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 700
National Post offers news and analysis on Canadian and global events.
Recent Highlights:

  • Reports on Canadian political issues.
  • Coverage of international business trends.

33. CTV News
Website: ctvnews.ca
Followers: 1.5M (Facebook), 450K (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 600
CTV News provides news coverage on Canadian and international events.
Recent Highlights:

  • Updates on Canadian social issues.
  • Reports on global economic developments.

34. RT (Russia Today)
Website: rt.com
Followers: 3M (Facebook), 1.5M (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 900
RT offers news coverage on Russian and global affairs with a focus on alternative perspectives.
Recent Highlights:

  • Coverage of Russian political developments.
  • Reports on international conflicts.

35. NDTV
Website: ndtv.com
Followers: 4M (Facebook), 1M (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 1,000
NDTV provides news and analysis on Indian and global events.
Recent Highlights:

  • Reports on Indian political developments.
  • Features on international economic trends.

36. The Times of India
Website: timesofindia.indiatimes.com
Followers: 8M (Facebook), 2M (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 1,200
The Times of India offers news on Indian and global affairs, including business and culture.
Recent Highlights:

  • Coverage of Indian social issues.
  • Reports on international diplomatic relations.

37. The Hindu
Website: thehindu.com
Followers: 3.5M (Facebook), 800K (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 1,000
The Hindu provides news and analysis on Indian and global events.
Recent Highlights:

  • Reports on Indian political developments.
  • Coverage of global environmental issues.

38. Bloomberg
Website: bloomberg.com
Followers: 2.5M (Facebook), 1.5M (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 1,200
Bloomberg focuses on business news, financial updates, and global trends.
Recent Highlights:

  • Analysis of financial markets.
  • Reports on global economic policies.

39. Politico
Website: politico.com
Followers: 2M (Facebook), 1M (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 800
Politico offers news and analysis on political developments in the U.S. and globally.
Recent Highlights:

  • Coverage of U.S. political affairs.
  • Reports on international policy issues.

40. Axios
Website: axios.com
Followers: 1.5M (Facebook), 600K (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 700
Axios provides news and analysis on business, politics, and global events.
Recent Highlights:

  • Features on U.S. and global economic trends.
  • Reports on political developments.

41. Mashable
Website: mashable.com
Followers: 7M (Facebook), 1.5M (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 900
Mashable offers news on technology, culture, and global events.
Recent Highlights:

  • Reports on tech industry developments.
  • Coverage of internet trends and culture.

42. Wired
Website: wired.com
Followers: 3M (Facebook), 1.2M (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 800
Wired provides news and analysis on technology, science, and culture.
Recent Highlights:

  • Features on tech industry trends.
  • Reports on scientific advancements.

43. Gizmodo
Website: gizmodo.com
Followers: 2.5M (Facebook), 800K (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 600
Gizmodo covers technology, gadgets, and digital culture.
Recent Highlights:

  • Reviews of new tech products.
  • Features on digital culture trends.

44. TechCrunch
Website: techcrunch.com
Followers: 2.8M (Facebook), 1M (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 700
TechCrunch focuses on technology news, startups, and venture capital.
Recent Highlights:

  • Reports on tech industry developments.
  • Coverage of startup funding and innovations.

45. CNET
Website: cnet.com
Followers: 3M (Facebook), 1.5M (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 800
CNET provides news and reviews on technology and consumer electronics.
Recent Highlights:

  • Reviews of new tech gadgets.
  • Coverage of tech industry trends.

46. The Verge
Website: theverge.com
Followers: 2.5M (Facebook), 900K (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 700
The Verge offers news on technology, science, and culture.
Recent Highlights:

  • Features on digital culture.
  • Reports on technological advancements.

47. Recode
Website: recode.net
Followers: 1.8M (Facebook), 600K (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 600
Recode provides news and analysis on technology and business.
Recent Highlights:

  • Reports on tech industry innovations.
  • Features on business trends.

48. BusinessWeek
Website: bloomberg.com/businessweek
Followers: 1.5M (Facebook), 500K (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 700
BusinessWeek focuses on global business news and trends.
Recent Highlights:

  • Coverage of international business developments.
  • Reports on economic policies.

49. Quartz
Website: qz.com
Followers: 1.2M (Facebook), 400K (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 600
Quartz offers news and analysis on global economic trends and business.
Recent Highlights:

  • Reports on global economic policies.
  • Features on business and tech industry trends.

50. The Root
Website: theroot.com
Followers: 1.1M (Facebook), 300K (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 400
The Root focuses on African American culture, politics, and social issues.
Recent Highlights:

  • Coverage of African American social issues.
  • Reports on cultural trends.

51. Vox
Website: vox.com
Followers: 2.8M (Facebook), 900K (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 1,000
Vox offers explanatory journalism and in-depth analysis of current events.
Recent Highlights:

  • Reports on U.S. political developments.
  • Features on global social issues.

52. NPR
Website: npr.org
Followers: 4M (Facebook), 1M (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 1,200
NPR provides news, analysis, and cultural programming on a variety of topics.
Recent Highlights:

  • Coverage of U.S. and global events.
  • Features on cultural trends and social issues.

53. Slate
Website: slate.com
Followers: 1.5M (Facebook), 500K (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 600
Slate offers news, culture, and analysis with a focus on U.S. politics and society.
Recent Highlights:

  • Analysis of U.S. political issues.
  • Features on cultural trends.

54. New York Post
Website: nypost.com
Followers: 4.5M (Facebook), 1.2M (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 1,000
The New York Post provides news and analysis on U.S. and global events, including entertainment and sports.
Recent Highlights:

  • Coverage of U.S. political developments.
  • Reports on entertainment and sports news.

55. The Spectator
Website: spectator.co.uk
Followers: 700K (Facebook), 200K (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 400
The Spectator offers commentary and analysis on political and cultural issues.
Recent Highlights:

  • Analysis of UK political developments.
  • Features on cultural trends.

56. The Hill
Website: thehill.com
Followers: 1.2M (Facebook), 500K (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 600
The Hill focuses on U.S. politics, policy, and legislative developments.
Recent Highlights:

  • Reports on U.S. Congressional activities.
  • Features on policy changes.

57. Daily Mail
Website: dailymail.co.uk
Followers: 5M (Facebook), 1.5M (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 1,200
The Daily Mail provides news on UK and international events with a focus on sensationalism.
Recent Highlights:

  • Coverage of UK celebrity news.
  • Reports on international events with a sensationalist angle.

58. Mirror
Website: mirror.co.uk
Followers: 3M (Facebook), 900K (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 800
The Mirror covers UK and international news, with a focus on celebrity and human interest stories.
Recent Highlights:

  • Coverage of UK social issues.
  • Reports on celebrity news.

59. Sun
Website: thesun.co.uk
Followers: 2.5M (Facebook), 800K (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 600
The Sun provides UK and international news with a focus on celebrity and sensationalist stories.
Recent Highlights:

  • Reports on UK entertainment news.
  • Coverage of global events with a sensationalist angle.

60. Metro
Website: metro.co.uk
Followers: 1.5M (Facebook), 500K (Twitter)
Articles per Week: 500
Metro covers UK and international news with a focus on human interest and lifestyle stories.
Recent Highlights:

  • Features on UK lifestyle trends.
  • Reports on international human interest stories.


The information and statistics provided in this article are intended for informational purposes only. While efforts have been made to ensure accuracy, some figures, such as follower counts and article frequencies, may not be up-to-date or completely accurate due to the dynamic nature of online platforms and media outlets. Readers are encouraged to verify details independently and consult official sources for the most current information. The views and opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any of the mentioned publications.

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Written By Joe Brens

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