Indonesia’s President Jokowi Plans to Work from New Capital City

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo of Indonesia recently announced his intention to commence working from the country’s new capital city starting next month. Here’s a comprehensive look at the developments and implications of this significant move:


Indonesia’s ambitious project to establish a new capital city, named Nusantara, on Borneo island, aims to address overcrowding and infrastructure challenges in Jakarta. With an estimated cost of $32 billion, the project envisions a modern and sustainable urban center to serve as the nation’s administrative hub.

Progress Update

President Jokowi highlighted significant progress in the first phase of the capital city’s infrastructure development, indicating that around 80% of the planned projects have been completed. This includes essential facilities and amenities required for the city’s functioning.

Presidential Announcement

In an Instagram post, President Jokowi expressed his intention to commence working from the new capital city in July. He also mentioned preparations for celebrating Indonesia’s 79th Independence Day in August, signaling confidence in the project’s timeline and progress.

Leadership Resignations

Recent resignations of senior executives overseeing the development of the new capital city raised concerns about potential disruptions to the project. However, President Jokowi dismissed these concerns, emphasizing his commitment to ensuring continuity and stability in the project’s implementation.

Investor Sentiment

The unexpected leadership changes in the body overseeing the new capital city prompted speculation about their impact on investor sentiment. However, President Jokowi’s reassurances and personal involvement in overseeing the project aim to mitigate any adverse effects and maintain investor confidence.

On-Site Inspection

President Jokowi’s visit to Nusantara to inspect the development progress and launch additional building constructions underscores his hands-on approach and commitment to the project’s success. His direct involvement reinforces the government’s dedication to realizing its vision for the new capital.


President Jokowi’s announcement to start working from the new capital city signifies a significant milestone in Indonesia’s urban development trajectory. Despite challenges and leadership transitions, the project remains on track, driven by the government’s determination to create a modern, efficient, and sustainable administrative center.

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Written By Joe Brens

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