Researchers Discover Unusual River Discoloration in Alaska’s Brooks Range

The finding surprised researchers from the National Park Service, the University of California at Davis, and the US Geological Survey, who conducted tests at 75 locations in the waterways of Alaska’s Brooks Range. Over the past five to ten years, these rivers and streams have exhibited rust and cloudiness, turning a cloudy orange according to a study published in the journal *Communications: Earth & Environment*.

Cause of Discoloration

The discoloration and cloudiness are being caused by metals such as iron, zinc, copper, nickel, and lead. Researchers discovered that as permafrost thaws, these metals, previously locked underground for thousands of years, are being exposed to the waterways. Some of these metals are toxic to the river and stream ecosystems.

Comparison to Other Regions

“We’re used to seeing this in parts of California, parts of Appalachia where we have mining history. This is a classic process that happens in rivers here in the continental US that have been impacted for over 100 years since some of the mining rushes in the 1850s,” said Brett Poulin, a co-author of the study and a professor of environmental toxicology at UC Davis. “But it’s very startling to see it when you’re on some of the most remote wilderness and you’re far from a mine source.”

Impact of Climate Change

Arctic soils naturally contain organic carbon, nutrients, and metals such as mercury within their permafrost. High temperatures have caused these minerals and the surrounding water sources to meet as the permafrost melts. “What we believe we’re seeing is this thawing of soil that’s happening faster there than it would happen elsewhere,” Poulin explained. “It’s really an unexpected consequence of climate change.”

Recent Temperature Records

“At several of the locations it happened, the most drastic increases were between 2017 and 2018 and they coincided with the warmest years on record at that point,” said Poulin. This discoloration has been linked to “dramatic declines” in aquatic life, raising concerns about how the continued melting of permafrost will affect communities that rely on those waterways for drinking and fishing.

Impact on Local Communities and Fisheries

In Alaska’s Arctic rivers alone reside a variety of fish that are “critical for subsistence, sport, and commercial fisheries,” researchers wrote. Poulin mentioned that local communities voiced their concerns and observations to study researchers beginning seven years ago.

Global Implications

These studies have extended beyond the US in the past. Similar research on increases in metal and rare earth element concentrations in mountain rivers and streams has been done in the Chilean Andes, the European Alps, and the Pyrenees in northern Spain. Although some of these areas have been exposed to mining sites and thus have seen metal concentrations in rivers and streams over the years, the noted increases raise questions about how climate change will continue to impact mountain water sources.

Researchers in Alaska will continue their study in the coming years to determine the location of the metal and mineral sources and how aquatic and human life will be impacted.

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Written By Doris Chinwe Omemgbeoji

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