Papua New Guinea Orders Evacuations Amidst Active Landslide Crisis

Papua New Guinea is facing a severe natural disaster as an active landslide continues to pose a threat to thousands of residents in the Enga province. The government has ordered mass evacuations to protect lives, while rescue efforts are hampered by difficult terrain and ongoing instability. This article provides a detailed account of the situation, the response efforts, and the implications for the affected communities.

The Landslide Incident

On May 27, 2024, parts of a mountain in the northern Enga province of Papua New Guinea collapsed, triggering a massive landslide. Initial estimates indicate that over 2,000 people may have been buried under the debris. The landslide continues to be active, causing further rock and debris falls, making the area extremely hazardous for rescue operations.

Immediate Response

Residents have been using shovels and bare hands in desperate attempts to search for survivors. The unstable nature of the landslide area, with frequent explosions and falling debris, complicates these efforts. Sandis Tsaka, the Enga province disaster committee chairperson, highlighted the ongoing danger and the challenges faced by those on the ground.

Evacuation and Relief Efforts

In response to the disaster, the government has declared a state of emergency across the affected zone and a neighboring area. The combined population of these areas is estimated to be between 4,500 to 8,000 people, though not all have been ordered to evacuate immediately. Military personnel have been deployed to set up checkpoints and assist in moving residents to evacuation centers.

Challenges in Relief Operations

The remote location and treacherous terrain of the landslide site have significantly slowed the arrival of heavy equipment and aid. Additionally, tribal unrest in the region necessitates military escorts for relief convoys, further delaying the response. Despite these challenges, relief teams have been gradually arriving since the disaster struck.

Casualty Estimates and Difficulties

The estimated number of casualties varies widely due to the difficulty in obtaining accurate population data. While the government reports over 2,000 people buried, the U.N.’s initial estimates suggested more than 670 possible deaths. Jiman Yandam, a former local government head, estimated the death toll at 162, with only five bodies recovered so far. This discrepancy underscores the challenges in assessing the full impact of the disaster.

Population Data Issues

Accurate population estimates are hampered by outdated census data and incomplete voter rolls. Papua New Guinea’s last credible census was conducted in 2000, and the 2022 voter roll does not account for individuals under 18, complicating efforts to determine the exact number of people affected by the landslide.

Broader Implications

The landslide has devastated the local community, with many families losing their homes and loved ones. The ongoing instability of the landslide area prevents effective search and rescue operations, leaving many residents in a state of uncertainty and fear. The psychological and emotional toll on the survivors is immense as they grapple with the loss and disruption caused by the disaster.

Long-term Challenges

The response to the landslide highlights significant logistical and infrastructural challenges in Papua New Guinea. The need for updated population data, better preparedness for natural disasters, and improved infrastructure to support rapid response efforts are critical issues that need to be addressed to mitigate the impact of future disasters.


The active landslide in Papua New Guinea’s Enga province has led to a tragic loss of life and significant displacement of residents. The government’s evacuation orders and ongoing relief efforts aim to protect and assist the affected communities, but the challenging conditions complicate these initiatives. As the situation continues to unfold, international attention and support will be crucial in aiding recovery and rebuilding efforts.

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Written By Joe Brens

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