Chaos in New Caledonia: Riots and Roadblocks Grip French Territory

The picturesque Pacific island of New Caledonia has been plunged into chaos as protests escalate over plans to expand local election participation. French authorities have dispatched a thousand police officers to the territory, but roads remain blocked and the airport closed, stranding tourists and disrupting daily life.

Protests and Blockades

The indigenous Kanak people, organized by the activist group Field Action Co-ordination Cell (CCAT), are leading demonstrations against a constitutional amendment that would alter electoral participation rules. Despite calls for peaceful protests, roadblocks persist, hampering food supplies and medical services.

Government Response and International Concern

New Caledonia’s government officials stress that the issue lies not in shortages but in access problems caused by road closures. Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese expresses deep concern over the situation, particularly after incidents of fire and looting.

Stranded Tourists and Evacuation Efforts

Tourists, including around 300 Australians, find themselves stranded as commercial flights are canceled amidst the unrest. Efforts to evacuate them face bureaucratic hurdles, with both Australia and New Zealand awaiting approval from French authorities for evacuation flights.

Humanitarian Crisis and International Assistance

With thousands stranded and access to essential services cut off, the situation in New Caledonia approaches a humanitarian crisis. New Zealand stands ready to evacuate its nationals, pending authorization, while businesses suffer extensive damage from looting and arson.

Political Context and Calls for Dialogue

Protests stem from Kanak dissatisfaction with electoral reforms perceived as diluting their vote. Amidst the turmoil, pro-independence parties demand the withdrawal of the electoral reform, highlighting the deep-seated political tensions in the French territory.

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Credit: Kirsty Needham

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