Police Shoot Dead Armed Attacker at Rouen Synagogue

Early Friday morning, an armed suspect attempted to set fire to a synagogue in Rouen, France. The individual threw what appeared to be a Molotov cocktail into the building, igniting a fire. Rouen Mayor Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol confirmed the details at the scene.

Attack and Police Response

The attacker climbed a trash bin to reach the second floor of the synagogue, where he launched the incendiary device. Security forces quickly intervened, spotting the suspect on security cameras. The man attempted to wrestle with the officers and assaulted them with a long knife. In response, the officers opened fire, killing the suspect. Fortunately, no one inside the synagogue was harmed.

Community Reaction

Chmouel Lubecki, a rabbi at the synagogue, expressed the community’s concerns. “Unfortunately, we were expecting this,” he told CNN affiliate BFMTV. “We all have this worry inside of us, but when it actually happens, it is still shocking.”

Government and Security Measures

France’s Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin praised the police for their swift and courageous response. He highlighted the increased security measures at Jewish institutions across France following the October 7 attacks in Israel. Darmanin emphasized the importance of heightened security, especially as Passover approaches and in light of the ongoing Israel-Gaza conflict.

Increased Security in Rouen

Local authorities had already increased police presence at Rouen’s synagogue prior to the attack, in response to international tensions. Darmanin reiterated his commitment to protecting Jewish communities, noting additional security measures at synagogues and Jewish schools throughout the country.

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Written By: Doris Chinwe Omemgbeoji

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