China’s New Aircraft Carrier Fujian Begins Sea Trials

China’s newest aircraft carrier, the Fujian, embarked on its maiden sea trials from Shanghai’s Jiangnan Shipyard, marking a significant milestone for the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN).

Key Features and Milestones

The Fujian, with a displacement of 80,000 metric tons, surpasses the size of China’s two active carriers, the Shandong and Liaoning. Equipped with an electromagnetic catapult system, it can launch larger and heavier aircraft, providing greater combat range and capability for the Chinese fleet.

Comparison with US Carriers

While the Fujian’s catapult system aligns it with the US Navy’s USS Gerald R. Ford, US carriers maintain advantages in power, size, and operational capacity due to their nuclear propulsion systems and larger dimensions.

Sea Trials and Future Commissioning

The Fujian’s sea trials will focus on testing propulsion, electrical systems, and overall hull integrity. Analysts estimate the sea trials could last at least a year, with commissioning expected in 2025 or 2026.

Implications for Chinese Naval Power

Upon joining the PLAN fleet, the Fujian will symbolize China’s growing naval strength, with ambitions for further expansion evident as plans for a fourth carrier emerge.

Future Developments

The US Navy continues its carrier construction with three Ford-class carriers underway, further shaping the dynamics of naval power in the Indo-Pacific region.

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Written By Doris Chinwe Omemgbeoji

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