UAE/DUBAI “First Wave”

Wave: In this context, “wave” does not refer to a literal water wave. Instead, it’s used figuratively to describe a series or phase of something that comes in stages or waves. Here, it refers to a phase or occurrence of the unstable weather.
First: “First” indicates that this is the initial or earliest phase of the unstable weather event.

So, “First Wave” collectively means:

The initial occurrence or phase of the unstable weather event. It marks the beginning of the weather pattern that brings heavy rainfall, flooding, waterlogging, and landslides to various parts of the UAE.


● Severity: Since it’s described as the “first wave,” it implies that there may be subsequent waves or phases of this weather event.

● Surprise: The fact that many residents were taken by surprise suggests that they

may not have been fully prepared for the intensity or impact of this initial phase.

Additional Notes:

● Unstable Weather: This term indicates that the weather conditions were unpredictable, likely involving heavy rain, strong winds, and other hazardous conditions.

● NCM Advisories: The National Center of Meteorology (NCM) had issued advisories prior to this first wave, but despite these warnings, many residents were still caught off guard, indicating the unexpected severity of the weather.

In summary, “first wave” in this context refers to the initial phase of unstable weather that brought flooding, waterlogging, and landslides to the UAE. It signifies the beginning of a weather event that was more severe than many residents had anticipated.

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