The Journey of Pelumi Nubi: From London to Lagos

On January 30, 2024, Pelumi Nubi, a determined Nigerian woman, embarked on an extraordinary solo journey from London, United Kingdom, to Lagos, Nigeria, in her car. With over 40,000 followers on her Instagram page, she shared updates of her adventurous trip with her virtual family.

Unexpected Obstacle at the Sierra Leonean Border

However, Pelumi encountered an unexpected hurdle on her journey when she reached the Sierra Leonean border. In a recent Instagram post on March 19, she revealed that officials denied her entry into the country, citing a peculiar reason – her car being right-hand drive.

Denied Entry Due to “Right-Hand” Drive Car

In her Instagram post, Pelumi expressed her frustration at the situation, highlighting the challenges she faced at various border crossings. She explained that Sierra Leonean officials refused entry to her car because it was a right-hand drive, which is not allowed in the country.

Battling Red Tape and Challenges

Pelumi’s journey, spanning nearly two months, has been marked by numerous obstacles and bureaucratic hurdles. Each border crossing presented a new set of challenges, with regulations and procedures varying from one country to another.

A Call for Support

Despite the setbacks, Pelumi remains resilient and hopeful. In her Instagram post, she reached out to her virtual family, seeking words of encouragement and support. She emphasized the significance of their backing in her journey and expressed her optimism that the situation would be resolved positively.

Waiting for Good News

As Pelumi waits at the Sierra Leonean border, she remains determined to continue her journey to Lagos. With her scheduled arrival date set for March 23, she eagerly anticipates overcoming this latest obstacle and completing her remarkable solo adventure.

Pelumi Nubi’s journey exemplifies courage, perseverance, and the indomitable spirit of adventure. As she presses on towards her final destination, her story serves as an inspiration to all who dare to dream and pursue their ambitions against all odds.

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