South African Police Raid Parliament Speaker’s Home

An elite unit of South Africa‘s police has carried out a raid on the Johannesburg residence of the Speaker of Parliament, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, amidst allegations of corruption. The allegations suggest that she solicited bribes in exchange for awarding contracts during her tenure as the defense minister.

Accusations of Corruption

Mapisa-Nqakula has been accused of demanding bribes in exchange for contracts while she served as defense minister. These accusations have prompted a thorough investigation by state prosecutors, leading to the recent police raid on her home.

Speaker’s Response

A statement from parliament asserts Mapisa-Nqakula’s innocence, stating that she maintains her strong conviction of innocence despite the allegations. The statement also notes that she welcomed the investigators into her home and cooperated fully during the five-hour search.

Background of Mapisa-Nqakula

Mapisa-Nqakula, a 67-year-old veteran of the anti-apartheid struggle, assumed the role of speaker in 2021. Prior to this position, she held the position of defense minister for nine years.

Allegations During Her Tenure

During her time as defense minister, Mapisa-Nqakula allegedly made demands for money from a company owner, totaling $120,000, to secure a tender for transporting army equipment within the continent. These allegations have surfaced in reports from the Business Day newspaper.

Government’s Stance on Corruption

President Cyril Ramaphosa, who took office in 2018, has pledged to address corruption in South Africa. The previous president, Jacob Zuma, faced accusations of misusing state resources, which he denies. Mapisa-Nqakula herself has expressed concern about corruption, highlighting its threat to democratic principles and good governance.

Prosecutorial Action

The National Prosecuting Authority confirmed the search operation but provided no further details regarding potential charges or the timeline for legal proceedings.

As the investigation unfolds, the case underscores the ongoing challenges South Africa faces in combating corruption within its government institutions and the importance of upholding principles of transparency and accountability.

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