Abia State Secures $125 Million Loan for Development Initiatives

Loan Approval from Islamic Development Bank and African Development Bank

Governor Alex Otti announces Abia State’s plans to secure loans to implement the 2024 Budget, with the Islamic Development Bank approving $125 million for the state. Additionally, the African Development Bank has also approved funds for developmental projects.

Financial Strategy and Commitment to Responsible Borrowing

Governor Otti emphasizes responsible borrowing, stating that loans will only be drawn as needed and will be repaid when the state has liquidity. He reassures workers of the government’s commitment to resolving pension issues and addressing wage awards or salary increases.

Infrastructure and Education Development Plans

The governor outlines plans for infrastructure development, including road rehabilitation, healthcare improvement, and education system revitalization. Over 170 primary schools and 51 secondary schools are earmarked for rehabilitation, with a focus on modernizing teaching methods to align with global standards.

Training and Skills Enhancement for Teachers

Governor Otti emphasizes the importance of training teachers to impart relevant skills to students, such as internet literacy, renewable energy knowledge, and digital technology proficiency, to enhance their competitiveness in the 21st century job market.

Healthcare and Food Security Initiatives

The state government commits to improving healthcare delivery and addressing food security challenges through various initiatives aimed at maximizing agricultural productivity.

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Credit: Doris Chinwe Omemgbeoji 

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