Declining Birth Rates Lead to Closure of Newborn Delivery Services in Chinese Hospitals

Service Suspensions: Many hospitals across China, including those in Zhejiang and Jiangxi provinces, have ceased offering newborn delivery services due to declining demand. Notices from various hospitals indicate closures of obstetric departments.

Policy Challenge: Chinese policymakers face the challenge of stimulating young couples’ desire to have children amid a demographic crisis characterized by an ageing population and record-low birth rates. The population fell for a second consecutive year in 2023, raising concerns about long-term economic implications.

Obstetric Winter: Local media outlets warn of an “obstetric winter,” signaling a quiet crisis as hospitals grapple with dwindling numbers of newborns and struggle to sustain obstetrics departments.

Factors Influencing Birth Rates : High childcare costs, reluctance to marry or postpone careers, and prevailing gender discrimination contribute to many women in China choosing to remain childless.

Government Initiatives : Authorities have implemented various incentives and measures to encourage childbirth, including expanding maternity leave, financial incentives, and housing subsidies. However, China remains one of the world’s most expensive places to raise a child, posing significant challenges to addressing declining birth rates.

Short-Lived Baby Boom: Despite a reported increase in births during the Year of the Dragon, demographers suggest that any surge in births linked to this auspicious zodiac sign is likely to be temporary.


The closure of newborn delivery services in Chinese hospitals reflects the profound demographic challenges facing the country. As policymakers grapple with strategies to address declining birth rates, sustained efforts are required to incentivize childbirth and mitigate the long-term socioeconomic impact of an ageing population.

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Credit: Farah Master 

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