SSANU and NASU Commence Nationwide Strike Over Withheld Salaries

Unions Take Action

The Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities (SSANU) and the Non-Academic Staff Union of Nigerian Universities and Allied Institutions (NASU) have declared a nationwide strike starting today (Monday). The strike aims to protest the withholding of four months’ salary by the Federal Government.

Minister’s Response

While SSANU and NASU prepare for the strike, Minister for Education, Prof. Tahir Mamman, claims ignorance of the planned action. He mentioned that the matter is under government scrutiny and assured of further communication.


The Federal Government previously withheld salaries of university workers due to a prolonged strike in 2021. Although salaries were released to the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) in February, SSANU and NASU members were excluded.

Union’s Demands

SSANU and NASU have repeatedly demanded the release of their withheld salaries, issuing ultimatums to the government. Despite efforts to address the issue, including letters to government officials, there has been no positive response.

Warning Strike

With no resolution in sight, SSANU has directed its members to embark on a seven-day warning strike starting March 18, 2024. The union urges the government to address the salary payment issue promptly.

Government’s Silence

SSANU’s National Vice-President, Abdussobur Salaam, expressed disappointment over the government’s silence on the matter. Despite the union’s efforts to engage in dialogue, the government has not made any promises or offered negotiation.


As SSANU and NASU proceed with their strike, the impact on Nigerian universities and academic activities is inevitable. The unions remain steadfast in their demand for justice and fair treatment of their members.

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Credit: Punch

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