Bewaji Ewatomi’s Social Media Response to Allegations of Assault

Bewaji Ewatomi, the wife of controversial Nigerian singer Portable, recently found herself at the center of attention on social media following allegations of assault by her husband. In a surprising turn of events, she took to her social media page to celebrate Portable’s 30th birthday, amidst the accusations.

Celebrating Portable’s 30th Birthday

Despite the cloud of controversy surrounding her husband, Bewaji chose to publicly celebrate Portable’s milestone birthday on her social media platform. The move was unexpected, considering the serious nature of the allegations against him.

Allegations of Assault

However, amidst the birthday celebrations, a user identified as @agbajedeboraha took to the comments section to accuse Portable of assaulting his wife. This accusation sparked a heated exchange between Bewaji and the user, with Bewaji vehemently defending her husband.

Strong Response from Bewaji

In response to the allegations, Bewaji delivered a strong rebuttal, challenging the accuser to refrain from meddling in her personal affairs. She questioned the user’s motives and integrity, suggesting that they focus on their own life instead of interfering in hers.

“If they born your mama well, can you please tell us what you are going through in your own home?”

Bewaji’s bold statement reflects her determination to protect her privacy and maintain control over her narrative. By addressing the accuser directly, she asserts her authority and refuses to be intimidated or shamed into silence.

Defending her Marriage and Family

Furthermore, Bewaji passionately defended her decision to remain in her husband’s house, citing her commitment to her children as the primary reason. She emphasized the importance of stability and unity within the family unit, dismissing any criticism or judgment from outsiders.

“If I stay in my husband’s house till now, na because of my children, because I can’t be among people like you with five children and five fathers.”

Bewaji’s statement underscores the complexities of marital relationships and the sacrifices often made in the name of family. Despite facing scrutiny and condemnation, she stands by her choices and refuses to be swayed by public opinion.


Bewaji Ewatomi’s response to the allegations of assault against her husband Portable showcases her resilience and unwavering commitment to her family. In the face of adversity, she remains steadfast in her defense of her marriage and her right to privacy. Her courageous stance serves as a reminder of the importance of standing up for oneself and one’s loved ones, even in the midst of controversy.

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