Two Killed in Guinea Unrest Amid Nationwide Strike

Tensions flared in Guinea’s capital Conakry on Monday as clashes between protesters and police claimed the lives of two individuals, marking a grim turn in the ongoing nationwide strike that has brought the city to a standstill and disrupted key mining activities.

Escalation of Unrest

The unrest unfolded against the backdrop of a national strike that has paralyzed Conakry, leading to the closure of major roads, banks, and markets. While the strike has been largely peaceful, pockets of violence erupted in residential areas, with young demonstrators venting their frustration over the prevailing living conditions in the country.

Tragic Losses

The families of Mamady Keïta, an 18-year-old student, and Ibrahima Touré, a 21-year-old motorbike taxi driver, mourned the loss of their loved ones after they succumbed to gunshot wounds sustained during clashes with security forces in different districts of Conakry. Hospital sources corroborated the tragic fatalities, highlighting the toll of the unrest.

Call for Restraint

As tensions simmered on the streets of Conakry, authorities remained silent on the escalating violence. While there was no immediate indication of further unrest, the strike, encompassing various sectors including public, private, and informal, is poised to persist as protesters press for concessions including lower food prices and unrestricted internet access.

Unmet Demands

The umbrella group representing multiple workers’ unions has outlined a series of demands, including the implementation of a wage agreement negotiated with the government and the easing of internet restrictions. Despite mounting pressure, the government, established by a military junta following a 2021 coup, has yet to offer an official response.

Economic Implications

Guinea’s significance as the world’s second-largest bauxite producer has heightened concerns over the strike’s impact on global markets. Reports indicate that the unrest has already influenced alumina prices in China, although the full extent of the disruption remains uncertain amidst ongoing negotiations and market dynamics.


As Guinea grapples with internal strife amid a protracted labor dispute, the loss of lives underscores the urgency of addressing grievances and fostering dialogue to avert further escalation. With tensions simmering and demands unmet, the path to reconciliation and stability remains uncertain in the junta-led West African nation.

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Credit:  Saliou Samb

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