Bakers’ Group Refuses to Join Nationwide Strike

A bunch of bakers across the country has spoken out against the upcoming nationwide strike declared by some of their fellow bakers, scheduled to kick off this Tuesday. The Association of Master Bakers and Caterers of Nigeria (AMBCON) had announced their intention on February 14, citing the need for the Federal Government to fulfill an agreement from 2020.

AMBCON’s Requests

AMBCON’s demands include a temporary suspension of all bakery-related taxes at federal, state, and local levels. Mansur Umar, the National President of AMBCON, stressed the importance of easing the importation of flour and sugar, reducing or eliminating import duties on key baking materials, and offering favorable forex exchange rates to flour millers. They also sought reduced tariffs on imported wheat and sugar, along with the creation of a price control and monitoring committee.

Supreme Bakers’ Disagreement

In response, the Supreme Bakers and Confectioners Association of Nigeria issued a counter-statement on Monday, expressing their disagreement with the decision to go on strike during these challenging times for Nigerians. Edmund Egbuji, the Acting National President, urged all association members not to participate, considering it unpatriotic, especially given the current issues of food insecurity and scarcity in the country.

Call for Dialogue

Emphasizing their commitment to addressing the nation’s food scarcity, Supreme Bakers advocated for dialogue instead of resorting to a strike. Egbuji emphasized, “Going on strike will never be an option. Instead, the government should initiate a roundtable discussion to alleviate the effects of the food scarcity situation.” The association instructed all members to continue their business operations, expressing concern for the citizens’ well-being amid the ongoing challenges 

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