Impending Hunger and Hardship as Tinubu Proposes Electricity Subsidy Removal

Nigeria is currently facing a potential crisis as political figures, led by prominent politician Bola Ahmed Tinubu, are considering the removal of electricity subsidies. This move has sparked concerns about increased living costs and the potential for heightened economic hardships among the already struggling population.


Electricity subsidies have long been a contentious issue in Nigeria, with the government providing financial support to keep electricity prices affordable for citizens. However, recent discussions led by Bola Ahmed Tinubu suggest that these subsidies may be lifted, leading to significant ramifications for the average Nigerian.

Potential Impact on Living Costs:

If the electricity subsidy is removed, consumers are likely to experience a sharp increase in their electricity bills. This rise in utility costs could contribute to a surge in the overall cost of living, affecting households, small businesses, and industries alike. With many Nigerians already grappling with economic challenges, the removal of the subsidy threatens to exacerbate their financial struggles.

Impact on Small Businesses:

Small businesses, often operating on thin profit margins, may face considerable challenges with the removal of electricity subsidies. Increased operational costs could lead to higher prices for goods and services, potentially reducing consumer purchasing power and stifling economic growth at the grassroots level.

Social Ramifications:

The removal of electricity subsidies has the potential to widen the existing wealth gap, as those with lower incomes may struggle to afford essential services. This could lead to social unrest and protests, with citizens expressing their discontent over the government’s decision.

Search for Alternatives:

While the rationale behind removing electricity subsidies may include the need for fiscal responsibility and economic reform, it is crucial for policymakers to consider alternative solutions. This might involve exploring sustainable energy sources, improving the efficiency of electricity distribution, and implementing targeted financial assistance programs for vulnerable populations.

Public Reaction and Advocacy:

As news of the proposed subsidy removal circulates, civil society organizations, advocacy groups, and concerned citizens may voice their opinions through protests, petitions, and social media campaigns. The government will likely face pressure to reconsider or, at the very least, implement measures to mitigate the adverse effects on the most vulnerable segments of the population.


The potential removal of electricity subsidies by Bola Ahmed Tinubu and others raises serious concerns about the well-being of Nigerians already grappling with economic challenges. While fiscal responsibility is crucial, it is equally important for policymakers to consider the social impact of such decisions and explore alternatives that balance economic sustainability with the welfare of the nation’s citizens. The coming days will reveal whether the proposed subsidy removal will proceed and, if so, how the government plans to address the anticipated hardships for the Nigerian people.

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