Tinubu Urges Governors to Prioritize Workers and Pensioners with Increased FAAC Allocations


In a recent statement, prominent Nigerian politician Bola Ahmed Tinubu has called on state governors to allocate the increased funds from the Federation Account Allocation Committee (FAAC) towards paying the salaries of workers and addressing the needs of pensioners. The call comes at a crucial time when financial management and resource allocation are paramount for sustaining public welfare.

FAAC Allocation Increase:

The FAAC is a statutory body responsible for the distribution of revenue among the federal, state, and local governments in Nigeria. The recent increase in FAAC allocations provides an opportunity for state governments to address critical financial obligations, particularly the payment of salaries to civil servants and pensioners.

Prioritizing Workers’ Salaries:

Tinubu’s emphasis on prioritizing the payment of workers’ salaries reflects a recognition of the essential role played by the public workforce in the functioning of government institutions. Timely payment of salaries is not only a legal obligation but also a crucial aspect of maintaining a motivated and efficient workforce.

Ensuring Pensioners’ Welfare:

The call to address the needs of pensioners is equally significant. Pensioners, who have dedicated their careers in service to the nation, deserve dignified and timely disbursement of their pensions. Ensuring their financial well-being is a moral responsibility and contributes to fostering a society that values and respects its elders.

Economic Impact:

By directing the increased FAAC allocations towards workers’ salaries and pension payments, state governments can positively impact the local economy. Regular salary payments stimulate consumer spending, which, in turn, can boost demand for goods and services, thereby contributing to economic growth.

Public Perception and Trust:

Addressing the financial concerns of workers and pensioners not only fulfills legal and moral obligations but also enhances public trust in the government. A government that prioritizes the welfare of its citizens, especially those who have dedicated their lives to public service, is likely to garner greater support and cooperation from the people.

Challenges and Considerations:

While the call to allocate increased FAAC funds to workers and pensioners is commendable, state governments may face challenges in balancing various financial obligations. Striking a balance between infrastructure development, social services, and debt management remains a complex task. Effective financial planning and transparency in resource allocation are crucial to overcoming these challenges.


Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s call for state governors to use the increased FAAC allocations to pay workers’ salaries and address pensioners’ needs underscores the importance of prioritizing the welfare of those who contribute significantly to the nation’s development. Achieving this balance requires strategic financial management and a commitment to fulfilling both legal and moral obligations, ultimately fostering a society that values and supports its citizens.

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