Japan Urges Caution: Trump’s China Deal Could Jeopardize Regional Stability


Japan, a key ally of the United States in Asia, is expressing concerns over the possibility of a trade or security deal between former President Donald Trump and China. As Trump emerges as a frontrunner for the 2024 presidential election, Japan is intensifying efforts to engage with Trump’s close associates to prevent potential disruptions to the delicate balance in the region.

Key Concerns:

Japan is particularly worried that a Trump-China deal could undermine the collective efforts of the Group of Seven (G7) nations to counter China’s influence. The fear extends to the possibility of weakening U.S. support for Taiwan, which might embolden Beijing’s territorial ambitions. Additionally, Tokyo is wary of facing protectionist trade measures and renewed demands for increased financial contributions to support U.S. forces stationed in Japan.

Outreach Efforts:

Japanese officials are making preemptive efforts to engage with Trump’s inner circle, including dispatching senior figures and diplomatic engagement with think tanks and former U.S. officials close to Trump. The outreach aims to convey Tokyo’s concerns and ensure that Japan’s interests are understood in the context of potential U.S.-China dealings.

Past Relations:

The relationship between Japan and Trump during his previous term was characterized by close ties, with the former president forming a strong bond with then-Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. However, concerns are rising due to uncertainties surrounding Trump’s potential return to power and changes in his inner circle since his previous term.

Potential Risks:

Tokyo is apprehensive that Trump may prioritize a deal with China over regional stability, risking Taiwan’s security and causing economic uncertainties. The recent trade comments from Trump regarding Japan’s Nippon Steel highlight the need for proactive measures to safeguard Japanese interests.

Seeking Assurance:

Japan is striving to ensure that Trump considers the broader implications of any deal with China, emphasizing the importance of a multilateral approach and adherence to G7 agreements. The aim is to avoid misunderstandings and maintain stability in the region.

Leadership Dynamics:

With Prime Minister Fumio Kishida planning a state visit to the U.S., Japan is keen on understanding the potential policy shifts under a renewed Trump administration. The leadership dynamics within Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) are crucial, as the party must choose a leader ahead of the U.S. presidential election.


As Japan navigates the uncertainties surrounding Trump’s potential return to power, diplomatic efforts are underway to ensure a clear understanding of Japan’s concerns and priorities. The delicate balance in Asia-Pacific geopolitics requires strategic engagement to mitigate potential risks associated with any U.S.-China deal.

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Credit:  John Geddie, Tim Kelly, Yoshifumi Takemoto

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