In a tragic incident on the Lagos-Abeokuta Expressway, one person lost their life, and three others sustained injuries in a devastating accident. The harrowing crash occurred at Toll-Gate around 5:06 a.m. on Saturday, sending shockwaves through the community and prompting a swift response from emergency services.
According to Mr Adekunle Ajibade, the South-West Area Commander of TRACE, the vehicle, bearing registration number XA356 ALD, was travelling from Sango-Ota to Lagos when it lost control due to excessive speed.
The truck subsequently collided with four individuals waiting to board a bus at Toll Gate.
Tragically, one man lost his life in the accident, while three others sustained various degrees of injuries.
The deceased’s body has been transferred to the morgue at Ifo General Hospital, Ogun, while the survivors are undergoing treatment at Ota General Hospital.
Eyewitnesses described the aftermath of the accident as chaotic, with vehicles strewn across the roadway and emergency responders racing to the scene to provide urgent medical care. The responders swiftly attended to the injured, providing immediate assistance and transporting them to nearby medical facilities for further treatment.
The loss of life and the injuries sustained in this accident serve as a stark reminder of the importance of road safety and the need for continued vigilance by all road users. Accidents of this nature have a far-reaching impact on families, friends, and the community at large, underscoring the significance of adhering to traffic laws and prioritizing safe driving practices.
As the authorities investigate the circumstances surrounding the accident, it is crucial for all road users to remain attuned to the need for responsible and cautious driving. Emphasizing the importance of adhering to speed limits, maintaining vehicles in roadworthy condition, and staying focused while behind the wheel can serve as vital measures in preventing future tragedies on our roadways.
In the wake of this distressing event, our hearts go out to the families and loved ones affected by the accident. It is a sobering reminder of the fragility of life and the imperative of prioritizing safety and mindfulness while traversing our road networks.
As a community, we stand together in mourning the loss and offering our support to those impacted by this tragic occurrence. May this sobering event galvanize us to recommit to road safety, ensuring that preventable accidents become a rarity, and our roadways become safer for all who rely on them.
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