North Korea Set to Welcome First Tourists Since 2020 Amidst Special Circumstances

Russian Tourists Set to Break Through Pandemic Border Controls”

North Korea is on the verge of opening its doors to tourists for the first time since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. In a noteworthy development, a group from Russia is scheduled to embark on a four-day tour, marking a potential breakthrough in the strict anti-pandemic border controls that North Korea had implemented. This move comes as the hermit kingdom takes a step towards normalcy, offering a glimmer of hope for the tourism industry.

The Russian Tourists’ Itinerary:

The tour, organized by a Vladivostok-based agency, is slated to commence on February 9th and will encompass stops in the capital city, Pyongyang, and a scenic ski resort. The unique opportunity arose following discussions between the governor of Russia’s Primorsky Krai region, which shares a border with North Korea, and officials in Pyongyang during talks in December. The online itinerary outlines a fascinating journey into a country that has been off-limits to tourists for over four years.

Special Circumstances Surrounding the Visit:

Simon Cockerell, the general manager at Beijing-based Koryo Tours, a leading tour operator, provided insights into the situation. Although Koryo Tours is not directly involved in this particular trip, Cockerell confirmed that his partners in North Korea had indicated the visit’s approval under special circumstances. While cautiously optimistic, he stressed that this doesn’t necessarily guarantee a broader opening for tourism due to the specific nature of these circumstances.

Diplomatic Context:

The genesis of this rare tourist opportunity can be traced back to the summit between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and Russian President Vladimir Putin in eastern Russia in September. During the summit, the leaders pledged to deepen cooperation on economic, political, and military fronts, signaling a thaw in relations despite ongoing international sanctions.

Tourism and International Sanctions:

Notably, tourism remains largely unaffected by U.N. Security Council resolutions that restrict business with North Korea, particularly in relation to its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs. This opens the door for unique interactions between visitors and the reclusive nation, potentially fostering a better understanding of its culture and people.

Post-Pandemic Outlook for North Korean Tourism:

The development comes after a prolonged hiatus in tourism caused by the stringent pandemic measures. The last surge in visitors occurred in 2019 when Chinese tourists flocked to North Korea, contributing an estimated $175 million in extra revenue. This injection of funds was a welcome relief for the cash-strapped country, providing a glimpse into the economic potential of the tourism sector.


As North Korea tentatively reopens its borders to tourists, the upcoming visit by a Russian group serves as a promising signal for the nation’s tourism industry. While the circumstances surrounding this event are unique, it raises hopes that this step may pave the way for a broader opening, offering the world a chance to explore the mysteries of one of the most secluded nations on the planet. Only time will tell if this marks the beginning of a new chapter in North Korea’s engagement with the global community.

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