Advocating for Legalization of Firearm Ownership

He firmly advocates for the legalization of firearm ownership in Nigeria. He asserts that such a move would not lead to anarchy but rather serve as a means for citizens to protect themselves against prevailing security challenges.

Highlighting Security Challenges and Citizen Empowerment

During an interview with ARISE PRIMETIME, Ejiofor reaffirmed his support for liberalizing firearm possession, citing ongoing violence in different regions. He acknowledges concerns about potential misuse but stresses the government’s responsibility to ensure citizens’ security, as mandated in the constitution.

Countering Misconceptions and Presenting Facts

In response to apprehensions expressed by the Chief of Army Staff regarding potential anarchy, Ejiofor contends that Nigeria is already in a state of disorder, citing the populace’s fear-ridden daily routines. He underscores the necessity for self-protection in a context where illegal arms are rampant among civilians.

Unveiling Causes and Proposing Solutions

Attributing Violence to Political Elites and Proposing Empowerment

Ejiofor links ongoing massacres to political elites possessing illegal arms, proposing that arming rural communities could facilitate resistance against such violence.

Emphasizing Regulations and Oversight

Discussing regulations for firearm ownership, Ejiofor emphasizes mental health evaluations and temperamental assessments for prospective gun owners. He underscores the need to legalize and regulate gun possession to deter criminal elements currently wielding illegal firearms in public spaces.

Reforming Security and Law Enforcement

Additionally, Ejiofor advocates for the establishment of state police to address Nigeria’s security challenges, countering concerns about potential abuse by comparing it to issues within the current Nigerian Police Force. He urges a reevaluation of security priorities to prompt lawmakers to prioritize national security over protecting VIPs.

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